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I have just finished reading Carlton Pearson's book "the gospel of inclusion" for the 3rd time. I recommend it. This book says that everybody is going to heaven. I'm going to buy several copies & spread it to everyone I can. This is a must read!


Now that I know everyone is going to heaven I'm free to curse God & stop improving myself. I've never really desired to give up my sexual addictions or gluttony so now I know I can keep on doing those things and still go to heaven. This is good news. I'm going to preach this good news to everyone I come in contact with.

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hey, glad to hear that all serial killers have to do is say, "Jesus! Save me!" then go about their merry way slicing through people because it won't matter ~ they'll get to heaven anyway, because they said the magic words!


sorry, but that dog don't hunt. Salvation is tied into repentance, and repentance doesn't simply mean saying "sorry," then going back to old ways. It means consciously turning away from sin, not giving into it over and over and over, telling yourself, "I'm saved anyway, it doesn't matter." This is the problem we have with the so-called "good Christian people" who promote one standard but live by another, making a mockery of their faith. Is this the kind of person you want to be? A liar? Someone who jumps on the bandwagon for show, but mocks what they purport to believe?


something the clergy tells us when they distribute ashes on Ash Wednesday, "Turn away from sin and embrace the Gospel," sums it up. You cannot proclaim to be saved yet still indulge in a life of sin. You've got to hold up YOUR end of the deal, too, otherwise you're just using God to justify bad/immoral/illegal/sinful behavior.

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Serial killers don't even have to confess Jesus with their lips. They are just saved automatically like everyone else. They don't even have to say sorry.


What other people think about my lifestyle is an irrelevant issue. They don't get to decide whether I go to heaven or not. That's the problem with relying too much on public opinion.


So whether or not you think I'm using God to excuse my actions is really not any of your concern. My relationship with the Lord is a personal thing. If I'm taking advantage of Him that's certainly between me and Him. I don't need someone else to try to stick up for him.


The truth is I can get away with using God during my earthly life because He's the only one gracious enough to forgive that sin. No wonder you think God puts conditions on forgiveness. You assume he's just like any ordinary human being who gives up too easily & who is too stingy with his kindness.


Religion needs to wake up and realize God is not like human beings. Human beings are driven to get revenge when they are wronged so it's easy to assume God is the same way. A relationship with a human being takes hard work but a relationship with God does not take hard work.


There is a saying that rings true: "It's much harder to lose your salvation in heaven than it is to lose your wife in divorce court." That means if I'm married & I cheat on my wife I better worry more about losing her in divorce court instead of worrying about God getting me real good.


Sure serial killers may go to heaven but they may wind up in jail for the rest of their lives. If you don't pay your taxes it's the IRS that will come and get you NOT God. Be more afraid of the government than God.


Cain murdered his own brother Abel in the bible but you know all he suffered was earthly consequences for his actions.


There is no evidence in the Genesis account that Cain was condemned to eternal hell for his actions. Wouldn't that be crucial to the story if there was a hell for murderers to go to? The earthly consequences of Cains actions would all be a moot point if eternal hell was the ultimate consequence to murder.


I feel inspired to start my own ministry titled "gays for Jesus". I am a gay man and proud of it. Jesus doesn't have a problem with people being true to themselves. He had more of a problem with those who pretended to be someone they are not.

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Back again, Chris? What is it about this place that keeps you coming back with sock accounts?




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I'm curious as to why it's so important to be saved if you don't understand the "full deal"? Or are you trolling again?


What is it about this place that keeps you coming back with sock accounts?


prolly dumb-bunnies like me who are drawn to his posts like Mothra to a big-*ss flame ... *sigh*



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Back again, Chris? What is it about this place that keeps you coming back with sock accounts?





I thought the same thing in one of his other threads.:D

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