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I do not believe in self improvement

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I do not believe self improvement is for me. Why? because # 1 I live in America. This is not a slave country. It's a free country that gives me the right to not better myself if I don't want to.


So far there is no law requiring me to go back to college. There is no law that requires me to lose weight & eat healthy. So why in the hell should I even worry about self improvement? As long as I'm not breaking any laws then what's the big deal?


I see that president Obama wants to pass laws to eventually require every American Citizen to have a college degree by the year 2020. I think this is wrong. He wants to turn America into a slave country.


The 2nd reason I don't care to better myself is because I don't think it's necessary in order to go to heaven when I die. I live my life looking forward to going to heaven when I die. Reincarnation would be a sad thing.


The 3rd reason I don't care to better myself is because I'm not looking for a serious relationship or marriage. The advantage of being single is that I'm truly free to not better myself & I don't have to answer to anybody for my imperfections.


So there is no good incentive to change anything about myself based on the 3 factors above. I'll be happy after I'm dead. Until then I'll just eat as much as I want of whatever I want and never exercise.


I won't go back to school. I'll try living on the streets first. Again we live in a country that gives people the right to be homeless if they choose to be.

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There's no law that requires you to find a forum which gives out advice on lifestyle and dating helping you to self improve either...

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There's no law that requires you to find a forum which gives out advice on lifestyle and dating helping you to self improve either...


Hahahaha! Thank you for helping me laugh a little today! I needed that.

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I do not believe self improvement is for me. Why?


I've heard the same argument but from a European perspective.


The justification? Why put yourself through so much pain? The whole do what feels good and free.


Self-improvement is even shunned by some in the Euro crowd and often called a form of masochism.

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I personally do believe in self improvement. I think I've made mistakes in the past and gotten stuck in patterns and have held on to negative feelings that hurt me and my relationships. I've learned that if I work on some issues and let go of some of those negative feelings and bad patterns my life will be much better.

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I don't care.

Go away and stop bothering us with your trivia.

You're just a complete waste of our time and effort and frankly, I'm surprised anybody cares enough to even reply.

What a stupid post.






















Now how did that feel?

Were you offended and surprised?

Even just a tiny bit?

Did you think for a second even, that it was not a particularly nice thing to say?


That's what self improvement is really about.

Accepting and being accepted.

Being well-informed enough to contribute and participate in society and find your place in the ranks of the millions of fellow-Americans.

So don't get an education if you don't want to...

What Obama meant by his words is that he wanted everyone to be able to enjoy the privilege of a good education, and not be prevented from certain circles because of social or financial restrictions....

I'm sure he's not going to oblige everyone at the point of a gun to have an education or else.

But having an education will give you qualifications and entitlements to participate in activities where a certain amount of education in that subject would be beneficial...

Imagine if people wishing to be Doctors, dentists and Lawyers, Psychologists and police Officers thought as you do.

Certain spheres of Public service require a suitably educated background.


If you really wish to amount to nothing, perhaps you might like to consider that with a complete absence of an education and self-improvement, you will still expect people who have decided on self-improvement to care for you and safeguard your well-being.

you will still demand, as a US citizen, that those who have worked hard to get where they are, to be there when you need them.

Hardly fair really.

is it?





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I don't care.

Go away and stop bothering us with your trivia.

You're just a complete waste of our time and effort and frankly, I'm surprised anybody cares enough to even reply.

What a stupid post.






















Now how did that feel?

Were you offended and surprised?

Even just a tiny bit?

Did you think for a second even, that it was not a particularly nice thing to say?


That's what self improvement is really about.

Accepting and being accepted.

Being well-informed enough to contribute and participate in society and find your place in the ranks of the millions of fellow-Americans.

So don't get an education if you don't want to...

What Obama meant by his words is that he wanted everyone to be able to enjoy the privilege of a good education, and not be prevented from certain circles because of social or financial restrictions....

I'm sure he's not going to oblige everyone at the point of a gun to have an education or else.

But having an education will give you qualifications and entitlements to participate in activities where a certain amount of education in that subject would be beneficial...

Imagine if people wishing to be Doctors, dentists and Lawyers, Psychologists and police Officers thought as you do.

Certain spheres of Public service require a suitably educated background.


If you really wish to amount to nothing, perhaps you might like to consider that with a complete absence of an education and self-improvement, you will still expect people who have decided on self-improvement to care for you and safeguard your well-being.

you will still demand, as a US citizen, that those who have worked hard to get where they are, to be there when you need them.

Hardly fair really.

is it?







I don't want to be a psychologist or doctor or lawyer or police officer or any important line of work. That's why I don't want an education. The rewards are not worth it. After I finish college then I have to get a job with a lot more responsibility? If that's your idea of a reward then have at it.


I don't do things unless the outcome is a desirable reward. Quite frankly whether or not you think I'm a waste of space in society is an irrelevant issue. You are not God and you don't make the laws of the land either.


Even if I am a waste of space I live in a country that gives me the right to do that. All I'm doing is taking advantage of what the law permits me to do. The only time I need self improvement is if I'm doing something illegal.


If the law says it's ok for me to be a waste of time & space in society then what you think is irrelevant. Either put up or shut up!


Try changing the laws if you don't like the fact that people have the right to take up space in society or move to a slave country where people are forced to work & go to school.


And no I will not go away from here. I will post wherever I want as I have the right to do that here. You don't get to decide what or where I can and cannot post.


Unlike you I don't waste money on self improvement books. They are all garbage. I hate everything that president Obama stands for!

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Well done!!

You missed my point entirely!


Oh dear dear... you are funny!


Where would you be had your parents not got the education required to do the things they have done?

Where would you be if your teachers had not?

Where would you be if the officers in the force, or doctord had not?|

The point I am amking is that you wish to opt out, but that you still want - asnd expect Amercia to support you, tolerate you and put up with you.

Because that's your right.

Do you not see how contradictory your post is?

It seems to me you are just a young man with a chip on his shoulder.

That's fine, whilst you are healthy and doing well.

next time you need help, remember that the person helping you had to work some to get there....

Without qualifications and degrees, would you trust a person putting himself - or herself - forward as a doctor to operate on you?



carry on as you wish.

But I think I and many others can guarantee....one day, you will come unstuck. And one day, you will see how misguided you have been.....


Good luck in all you don't do!!




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I have no respect for teachers or law enforcement or doctors. So I could care less how hard these people had to work. I don't go to the doctors or the police when I need help. I deal with problems on my own.


So your question about trusting doctors to operate on me is moot. I have no desire to get a doctor's help for anything.


I don't see any benefit to having these people around. Every police officer can go screw themselves! They're nothing but fat racist pigs!


Your doom and gloom predictions don't mean a thing in the world to me. Carry on with your doom and gloom predictions about my life but you don't have the power to make sure they come to pass.


Self improvement only applies to people who want to get married and have kids. A single man has no need for self improvement.


As for my parents I'm sure they would have had enough sense not to have children if they didn't have an education that would get them a job where they could afford to have kids.


So where would I be? simple answer is I never would have been born. So what? I think one is better off never being born than to go through the kind of life we have.


I curse the day I was born into this world. I wish my parents never had me! I don't know what possessed them to bring me to this world but it was a stupid move on their part! I think every man or woman should tell that to their parent's face long after they've moved out of their parent's house.


I don't respect doctors or cops or the God who created this universe!


And yes Obama is working to pass laws that make it harder even for teens to drop out of high school. He said that dropping out of high school is no longer an option. That means before it was legal to drop out of high school.

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Woggle, you are absolutely right. It is his life.

maybe when he is on an operating table bleeding to death and needs help without having to ask for it, the doctor will cross his arms and say the same!


This kind of poster is known as a troll, isn't he?


this is hilarious!

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I'm not saying that he is making smart choices but he is an adult and he has every right to be stupid.

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I don't go to the doctors or the police when I need help. I deal with problems on my own.


I have no desire to get a doctor's help for anything.



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I'm not saying that he is making smart choices but he is an adult and he has every right to be stupid.


"Everyone has the right to be a moron for 5 minutes per day.

Wisdom consists of not exceeding that limit"....


Dear Woggle, of course, you are once again, completely correct.

My only point is that he is coming over as somebody who thinks it is perfectly ok for him to behave in this way, providing everyone in Public service does not do the same.

I really hope he never finds himself in the situation of needing professional asistance of any kind.

Because then he will have to be a liar...

unless of course, he is a liar now.

In either case, I think he is not honourable.


But he's a troll, I think, so what does it really matter what his opinion is? :confused:



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Just Angel

I cant help but laugh and assume OP is 19-21. Im thinking how he'll look back from his 30's or 40's and do one of those "I shoulda had a V8" forehead slaps.


OP, Im not mocking you. You wanna be all anarchist, knock yourself out.

I just think hindsight is going to kick you in the ass.

You, at the stage you are in atm, are completely unable to see past right now, see past yourself.


The goal of this site however is to offer support, info and encouragement to those who do wish to grow as people. (your version of self improvement)

Perhaps a rebel/anarchy/anti-establishment forum would be more your speed.

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I kind of like you attitude :)


I do not beleive in self improvement either. I am who I am and will stay that way for all eternity - I don't give a fvcuk what anyone thinks of me.

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I kind of like you attitude :)


I do not beleive in self improvement either. I am who I am and will stay that way for all eternity - I don't give a fvcuk what anyone thinks of me.


How do you connect this with this sentiment...?


I have said before that I wish I was born 100 years ago where the world valued different set of qualities in a person. I value humility, kindnes, genoroisity, modesty and good heart above all else and this is how I was raised. But today it's all about confidence, assertivnes and self promotion.


(this thread)

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I think the laws need to be changed so that every individual is responsible for the outcome of their health. This way if I get sick from being overweight nobody else has to foot my medical bill.


The doctors should have a right to refuse medical treatment to me if I got sick through years of not taking care of myself.


I mean what other solution is there? You can't require people to take care of themselves if they don't really want to. So if our law gives them that right then we need to change the law so that others medical insurance premiums don't go up because of it.


But as for me being stupid. No way. I don't consider my choices stupid unless I wind up in jail or unless I have sex with a woman that could lead to pregnancy.


As long as I don't get a girl pregnant and I don't want up in jail then I don't think I'm being stupid. I don't even do drugs. I don't drink. I don't hit women.

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Well..i'll bite. To me, there is one of two things going on here. One..Justin is a Troll. Which, to a certain extent, I think he is.


Two, the kid has issues. He doesn't want to finish school, get a job, or try to improve on himself because he may fail. He is very scared of failing. He is afraid of having to be "expected" to do SOMETHING with himself. He may feel society is "against him" in some ways, out to get him and MAKE him fail.


Or, he could see life as unfair, perhaps a bit moreso than others. He possibly resents authority. He may actually harbor resentment towards people who he feels do not do their fair share, and get by on handouts, welfare, etc. He may feel, why should I work hard and contribute when others do not? He sees the world and all its unfairness, and does not know how to cope with it, and understand that its just life. It comes with good things and bad things.


He is also incapable of understanding what he is feeling, as he will read this and tell me that I dont know him, I dont know what he thinks, or how he feels, etc. Which of course, is true as we have never met. BUT..he will not be capable of understanding how what he says, how he acts, and his general outlook on things can give folks some insight into him. He will rage against the very idea of that.





Justin may need some therapy to sort out his feelings. He is in a battle with himself, and is struggling to figure out "life" and his role in it. I feel he has issues with being afraid of failure to total resentment of some of the things he sees around him. He shows his displeasure by going against the "norm" which is getting a job, and education, etc. He shows his displeasure and resentment by not doing those things.


He MIGHT benefit from talking to someone about it (therapy), but he will be the type of person to think that is absolutely hogwash.


So he comes on here and vents. THIS is his outlet.



How did I do?? Totally wrong?? Oh well. But hey, that was FUN!! Made me feel like Tony Soprano's shrink.


Well, not Tony Soprano's shrink..but maybe his son, AJ. Justin seems more like THAT.




That will be $75 dollars please.

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Those of you who work hard to improve yourselves whether it's going back to school or exercising to lose weight you may not even live long enough to enjoy the fruits of your labor.


I believe in living for the present. I don't care about what tomorrow may bring because tomorrow hasn't gotten here yet. I may not even be alive tomorrow. If I die in a car crash tomorrow then it will be a moot point that I didn't finish college.


Once death overtakes me then everything about this life becomes a moot point. That means I'll neither reap the rewards of hard work nor will I reap the punishments of being lazy. You all forget that death could overtake you anytime for all kinds of reasons & then your future plans & goals won't matter.


So I'm not going to waste my time giving up the foods I really enjoy when there's no guarantee I'll live long enough to enjoy the results of my discipline. If you want to take the risk then to each his own. Go ahead and live your life as if you're guaranteed to be here forever.


Nobody wants to think about the possibility they could die tomorrow & not reap the benefits of their hard work. You may have planned to work hard so you could retire by age 65 & then you die at age 63. What a wasted effort.


If everyone took that same risk with their health then nobody would ever purchase medical insurance. You purchase medical insurance because you don't want to take the risk of getting sick without being financially covered. You don't just assume you'll never get sick.


Nobody likes to think about the possibility that they'll get sick tomorrow but most of us plan ahead by getting insurance. So why do you want to take the risk of assuming you won't die until 120? Not wanting to think about these issues does not make them go away.


But the present is the only guarantee I have and I believe in enjoying life & not wasting it away in the classroom on the hopes of getting a better job when I may not be alive to get that job. I don't dwell on the future like most Americans do.


So go ahead and carry on your doom and gloom predictions about my future. But first things first. You'd have to prove to me that I'm guaranteed to live long enough to see your predictions about my life come to pass. I've made both stupid & wise choices in my life neither of which I'm guaranteed to be rewarded or punished for.


Some of you might say "but if you don't make an impact in society nobody's going to even remember your name after you're dead". Fair enough but it's an irrelevant issue to me whether I'm remembered or not after I'm dead. I won't be around to find out what kind of impact I had on people's lives whether positive or negative. So what's the point of being remembered if I'm not around to hear people talk about me?


So because life is not fair one can still manage to get by in this life by bending the rules. If keeping the rules doesn't guarantee that I'll get what I want then why should I think that I can't get what I want by bending the rules?

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Actually, I think about, and meditate about dying every day.

But simply because I live in the present, does not mean I stop functioning as a contributory member of society.

I engage with human-kind and feel fulfilled, content and extremely connected.

I have considered both the practical physical aspects of co-existing with others, as well as the emotive ones.

I could not be more content.

It shows in my life and attitude.

I keep having people ask me why I am always so cheerful, how come I am always smiling?

It's contagious.

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I just don't need some self righteous idiots on a message board like loveshack to try to put me on a guilt trip just because I'm not doing anything with my life. If I'm not doing anything illegal then what does it matter to you if I'm not doing anything with my life?

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I just don't need some self righteous idiots on a message board like loveshack to try to put me on a guilt trip just because I'm not doing anything with my life. If I'm not doing anything illegal then what does it matter to you if I'm not doing anything with my life?


Don't flatter yourself..no one here cares what you do.


Go away.

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