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Guys: breast size preference


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So i know there are probably plenty of guys that like all diff. sizes of boobs, and probably the majority of the guys like bigger breasts. But i just wanted to know from each guy- what cup size is your fave? if you dont know that- then small, med.. large? and why?


me being curious


I love all breasts as long as they're natural, but C is probably my favorite. I would much rather have a girl with natural A cups than fake D cups.


Dead serious. Fake tits gross me out.

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I love all breasts as long as they're natural, but C is probably my favorite. I would much rather have a girl with natural A cups than fake D cups.


Dead serious. Fake tits gross me out.



I was wondering when the "fake boob" thing might come up.. I myself have implants... went from a 34A to a 34C and I really like how they look! They are very proportional to my body type.. being an A just never looked right.. to me.. IMHO... but being a C is great and I would not want them any bigger.

anyho... most guys say they look great and I feel like I get "checked out" way more now... but I always wonder what they really think the first time they feel them... cuz they are quite firm and I often wished they were "squishier". Are all guys like Phateless? Do fake ones really gross you all out? ouch... I hope not....

I've never had any complaints but... now I'm wondering... maybe I should start my own thread for thoughts on "fake tits"? :p

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anyho... most guys say they look great and I feel like I get "checked out" way more now... but I always wonder what they really think the first time they feel them... cuz they are quite firm and I often wished they were "squishier". Are all guys like Phateless? Do fake ones really gross you all out? ouch... I hope not....

I've never had any complaints but... now I'm wondering... maybe I should start my own thread for thoughts on "fake tits"? :p


Honest opinion. Yeah, they feel gross. They do tend to look great, until clothes come off, then it comes down to how good your plastic surgeon was...


However, for the right woman, I would overlook it... or overfeel it... or whatever. :cool:

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Do fake ones really gross you all out? ouch... I hope not....


No, but that's because, normally, I've invested time and emotion into a woman before paying proper attention to her breasts. Hence, they are a part of her and do not define my feelings about her. Does that help? :)

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Here's some advice for the ladies. You are a sum of all your parts. If someone zeros in on a couple mounds of fat as a deal-breaker, you're well rid of him.


For that matter, if a woman defines herself by a couple of mounds of fat, I see it as a way to avoid the real issues within.

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I don't care that much. I like athletic women and prefer a woman with a nice, firm butt over an average woman with large breasts.

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I was wondering when the "fake boob" thing might come up.. I myself have implants... went from a 34A to a 34C and I really like how they look! They are very proportional to my body type.. being an A just never looked right.. to me.. IMHO... but being a C is great and I would not want them any bigger.

anyho... most guys say they look great and I feel like I get "checked out" way more now... but I always wonder what they really think the first time they feel them... cuz they are quite firm and I often wished they were "squishier". Are all guys like Phateless? Do fake ones really gross you all out? ouch... I hope not....

I've never had any complaints but... now I'm wondering... maybe I should start my own thread for thoughts on "fake tits"? :p


Fake boobs are a turnoff, for sure. I'm talking blatantly fake, grossly unnatural looking. I guess if I can't tell that a girl has had implants, that's fine. Isn't that the point? It's done to make them bigger, but still look natural, right?

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I was wondering when the "fake boob" thing might come up.. I myself have implants... went from a 34A to a 34C and I really like how they look! They are very proportional to my body type.. being an A just never looked right.. to me.. IMHO... but being a C is great and I would not want them any bigger.

anyho... most guys say they look great and I feel like I get "checked out" way more now... but I always wonder what they really think the first time they feel them... cuz they are quite firm and I often wished they were "squishier". Are all guys like Phateless? Do fake ones really gross you all out? ouch... I hope not....

I've never had any complaints but... now I'm wondering... maybe I should start my own thread for thoughts on "fake tits"? :p


I am a BOOB MAN, but I would much rather have you feel natural under my hands. :)


You don't need the tits to be hot.

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Here's some advice for the ladies. You are a sum of all your parts. If someone zeros in on a couple mounds of fat as a deal-breaker, you're well rid of him.


For that matter, if a woman defines herself by a couple of mounds of fat, I see it as a way to avoid the real issues within.


or in my case, a couple mounds of saline filled bags! :laugh:


but well put none the less... thanks! :)

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Fake boobs are a turnoff, for sure. I'm talking blatantly fake, grossly unnatural looking. I guess if I can't tell that a girl has had implants, that's fine. Isn't that the point? It's done to make them bigger, but still look natural, right?


no, my boobs are definitely NOT blatantly fake... there's no way I would want anything bigger than what I got. And I've been very happy with how they look... but I do admit am a bit curious as to what you guys really think... so thanks for your input!

oh, I guess for the record I'll add that no guy has ever kicked me out of his bed for having them, so I'm not going to worry too much about it! :p

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or in my case, a couple mounds of saline filled bags! :laugh:


but well put none the less... thanks! :)

You're welcome although I wasn't directing my post at any one individual. :)


tkgirl, every one of us is buffeted with external pressures to be a certain way, look a certain way, etc. No matter what we do, we're never going to appeal to everyone out there. So, let's just accept ourselves as we are within reason, and damn the torpedoes! :bunny:

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I've noticed that I'm most attracted to the size my current partner doesn't have.


A consequence of our evolution I guess... men like variety.


Anywhere from beesting A's to D's is good for me. Probably no bigger.

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You're welcome although I wasn't directing my post at any one individual. :)


yea, I know your comment wasn't just for me... just saying I appreciate it :)



tkgirl, every one of us is buffeted with external pressures to be a certain way, look a certain way, etc. No matter what we do, we're never going to appeal to everyone out there. So, let's just accept ourselves as we are within reason, and damn the torpedoes!



right.. again!

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burning 4 revenge

Im sorry for pointing out the obvious, but I love how superficial characteristics in men are always acceptable grounds for dismissal, but if a man displays any superficiality then the women is of course well rid of that loser


As for me I couldn't care less about breasts. Unless theyre really huge...in which case theyre kind of gross

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when they are big, there get to be some problems with droop, and when i see them bouncing up and down it looks like it would be so uncomfortable. ruins the moment. not sure about the lower limit, i guess whatever size still had sustainable mammary function, though i have heard that breast size is in no way correlated with capacity for lactation, and furthermore, that women with smaller boobs (and i use the scientific term, of course) actually produce more milk. i mean, if you're looking to have kids with this person...

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thanks guys! that was interesting... guess it just shows that everyone does have their own preferences.

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Well, i do love breasts that are large enough to perform eeeh....certain sexual activities that involve the man straddling the woman's chest and thrusting. :o


If thats possible and the breast size is in relation to the rest of the body/chest then id say that woman has a perfect pair.

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So i know there are probably plenty of guys that like all diff. sizes of boobs, and probably the majority of the guys like bigger breasts. But i just wanted to know from each guy- what cup size is your fave? if you dont know that- then small, med.. large? and why?


me being curious



General guidelines:


- not too large or small for her frame or body type.


- Small for frame - usually the really fit athletic, women or those whom tend to have genetically leaner bodies, less body fat, maybe a bit smaller but have SMOKIN' HOT BODIES!


- Large for frame are good, as long as she carries her weight well and has bangin' hips to match.


- Huge? Ok, I wouldn't complain - especially if they stare at me frequently...


I don't have a preference for a woman's breast size - my hands and mouth don't seem to mind :laugh: - I find the big picture attractive, being she takes good care of herself (eats healthy, is fit etc.) - looks good, feels good and has an agreeable personality.

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The boobs must be big enough for me to squeeze, and must give my lips a little bit of cushion when I kiss them.


That's bout it. My girlfriend is pretty short, and has an a cup 90% of the time. She fills all of my expectations.


As said before, it all depends on proportions.


Perkiness is far more important too. I hate the saggy tube looking boobs some women have.

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Don't really care as long as they aren't too big. Something to play with is nice, but I'm pretty cool with anything. Not something I take into account when looking for women. I always look at it as a bonus.

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From my experience the breast size does not matter at all.

I have had the big breasts but men do not care for breasts in long term.

Of course they can check it out on the first dates but later they do not care about breasts. You hope they will pay attention to them like touch,

look or kiss but it is just wishful thinking.

My GF had very very small breasts and men have loved her a lot.

She got married a very wealthy guy who has been totally into her sexually for many years.

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I just have to say that as a woman who has had both small and large breasts, I prefer the smaller side. Big boobs just get in the way of everything and nothing's a mood killer like having to hold your boobs down while you have sex for fear of being slapped in the face by them.

:lmao::lmao::lmao: LMFAO. Thanks for this. As a woman of smaller boobs, I have often wondered what it would be like to have larger ones. You've cleared the mystery up for me. LOL

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:)well i'm an A cup and always will be, not much i can do about it.....i like having small breasts and if any guy doesnt like me cause i was born with small boobies can kiss my poopar:lmao::lmao:

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:lmao::lmao::lmao: LMFAO. Thanks for this. As a woman of smaller boobs, I have often wondered what it would be like to have larger ones. You've cleared the mystery up for me. LOL


Nothing was cleared up, she just mocked women with larger breasts.


I actually have big boobs and NO they don't flop around, at all. And clearly, the idea of a boob hitting you in the face is absurd. BO didn't clear anything up, she just mocked large breasts and made them sound gross :rolleyes:

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Depends on the density of the breast tissue and tissue to fat ratio, relevant to size. I've been with a couple women who did nearly smack themselves in the face during enthusiastic sex. If a woman can suck her nipples, it's possible to get smacked in the face, especially if she likes watching while in missionary.


Just sayin :)

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