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Best time to flirt in church ???

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If I see a certain other I would like to be with, and I say see them in church, when would be the best time flirt ??

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You should sit next to her in church and turn to her and say "God say's love thy neighbors, want to go out sometime."

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burning 4 revenge

When the Priest gives you the communion wafer take it to her seat and give it to her

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Citizen Erased
When the Priest gives you the communion wafer take it to her seat and give it to her


Nothing says "I want to sex you up" like a communion wafer.

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If they're sitting right next to you - anytime is fine. But if they're in a different pew or a few people away - hold off until before/after service unless you're just going to make eye contact/smile/wink.


Social gatherings such as church dinners also a good time.

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If I see a certain other I would like to be with, and I say see them in church, when would be the best time flirt ??

Well, don't do it while he's giving his sermon. Wait until you can catch him alone...

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If I see a certain other I would like to be with, and I say see them in church, when would be the best time flirt ??

It depends... Are you wearing a suit, and is she walking up the aisle in a new white dress?

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I've only been to church a few dozen times mostly when I was younger, but it seems like a pretty social event. I would assume it wouldn't be too odd to go up to people and introduce yourself, would it? I noticed if you got to church early there's often a ton of people outside socializing.

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Ok good advice....but lets say its a protestant church ? And lets say I wink, and this person is someone I know but haven't flirted before....I hope its not a bad out come because I wouldn't want her just for her body, she has to have a good personality, right ?

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Why don't you stop dancing around and "tell it like it is"? The more hypothetical you are, the more general and vague the replies...


If you need advice on how to approach a young lady, in an appropriate manner - why not simply say so?





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Don't flirt at church, it's tacky. If you want to meet a young lady go up to her after church and say hello, tell her she looks nice and start a conversation.

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Yes I need help approaching a young lady. We only see each other maybe once a week. My family has had family get togethers. She is currently single, but has a lacky boyfriend on and off who doesn't commit from I have seen. I see her at a youth group so.....I don't think there is. When I can't see her i talk to her to her on facebook as much as possible WHEN APPROPRIATE. I go to an all guys school.....so I don't see her much. I really like her personality, people think she is really hot but I really just like her ehhhh.....being ?

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