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Confessions of a Straight man.

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I have been married for 31 years with a wonderful person. Lately, I've found myself doing very strange things.



My wife and I met this neighbor at a BBQ and became friends. My wife told me I should become good friends with him because he has such a vast interest, intelligent, etc. So I started talking with him. I went over to his house and set up his computer. He invited me to the beach. My wife thought that was a great idea. I went to the beach with him, and it turned out to be a nude beach with mostly guys lying around. No problem. I was lying on my blanket, and he proceeded to put lotion on my back.


OK, so he was being nice. He invited me again, and I went and he became even closer putting lotion on the front of me. I realized that he was gay. I started thinking of him. I even bought some sex toys but found them uncomfortable, so I threw them away. I don't mind being nude, and the guys didn't bother me that much, but he has shown me some videos. I didn't feel comfortable watching two guys. He ask me to do some nude shots with him, I have yet to go that far.


-Jerry, 53

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Have you never had feelings like this before in all of your 53 years? Maybe you have and it is only now that your wife has encouraged you in this friendship that you have acknowledged them? Are you seeking advice or sharing a fun new experience? Then of course there is the clincher - does your wife know?


If your wife is in blissful ignorance, your marriage is important to you and you think she would react badly you need to resist temptation or tell her what is happening so you can both sort out what you do next.


How important is it to you to explore your not so straight side?



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