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Love among Men.

Out and Proud.

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Out and Proud.

These are my friends and they are having problems.



James is a jock with a steady girlfriend, but he can't stop dreaming about sex...with other guys. He likes one in particular, the steamy Kurtis.


Kurtis is tall, black and athletic and doesn't look gay, but he is. In spite of the fact that he has a lot of "bitches" . And he hopes he never has to tell anyone -- especially his parents.


Frank is skinny, the stereotypical queen to a T. He loves James and would do anything to have him. even expose his secrets in the light of day.


what am i going to do ?

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what am i going to do ?


About what?


Not clear on what your question is here.


I don't think, even as their friend, you should be placed in a position of playing councilor, mediator or matchmaker. It's okay to play "sounding board" if they feel comfortable talking to you, but I certainly wouldn't get involved in this triangle or repeat anything they confided in me.


Hopefully, your friends are adults and they will eventually work it all out on their own.

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