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how often should i call her?

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Just to add on to the other thing I wrote (Should I date her? Should I play hard to get?) . I don't know how often I should call this girl I like. I think she likes me but she never calls or text really unless she is replying back to mine. I text more than I call so should I start calling more or just text. I can say more when I call. I don't know if I should text everyday just to say good morning and good night or just do it every 2 days or longer? Does anyone have any advice. I probally need this Question answered more than the other one. Thanks to anyone that replies back. I hope somone does and answers both of these questions. Thanks again.

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It's hard to tell. The good news is that she'll reply to pretty much anything you send her. The not-so good news is that she's not exactly initiating the contact, which makes it hard to tell where you fit into the thought processes in her head. However, some people just aren't people to start the contact which makes it hard to read overall.


If I were you, I wouldn't go overboard. Everyday might be a bit much, even if it's just a "have a good day" or what not. It shows you care, but it could smother her. But also, the repetitiveness would wear the meaning of a well placed "have a good day" as well. That's meant to be one of those random texts that really picks another person up. Maybe check in every few days or maybe even on a Sunday evening to see how her week went. Then judging if she's had or will have a rough week, then you can adjust the amount of contact you have with her


You don't want to scare her off too soon.


What was the other question you posted? Can you paste a link into this thread?

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below is a link to the other one I posted and it goes with this one. I called her at lunch and she wasn't me to call her later and I told her that she can just give me call at 4 P.M. I just want to seee if she will call or not. If she doesn't then I think I will call her around 6 o'clock. That would give her 2 hours to call. The other link is long but please read it and try to help me out. Thank you very much. Take care.



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I'm having a similar problem, except the girl I like is currently living on the other side of the world, I just want to stay in touch until we are living closer together again. Anyways, it seems I am always the one calling or emailing her. She always seems happy, even excited to hear from me... but I still have to initiate it. I know she is very focused on her work and may not be thinking of much else right now but I have decided I will continue to talk to her from time to time so long as she seems happy to hear from me. I would suggest you do the same. As long as she seems to like hearing from you, take the initiative to talk to her. If you sense she is getting a bit annoyed or is not so happy to hear from you... back off a bit and maybe contact her a little bit less.

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uncertain at work

If she reply's to you then she likes that you are contacting her so continue doing this. I would text her once in the morning to say "good morning" and then at least one more time durning the day. Eventually she will begin to text you when you don't text her first. Right now I think she is just unsure. I would even give her a call every couple of evenings just to say "how'd your day go".

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Shock Me Sane

I think you should initiate contact once every three days, sometimes by text and sometimes by calling. I like the once every three days thing because it's often enough to show your interest, but not often enough to seem creepy or clingy. Also, three days is enough time to make her miss you and want to initiate contact herself.


Texting good morning and good night everyday is extreme unless you're in a serious relationship with someone. Which is funny because I just got a text this morning from a guy I went out with that said "good morning :)" and I immediately thought, Uhhh... creepy.

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