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Worried about what Im eating...

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Hi, I am quite health conscious and go to the gym regularly. I eat well most of the time and have succeeded cutting out pretty much all fast foods from my diet. However, I tend to eat the following things regularly (and I mean, at least every two days, sometimes daily):


*Toasted turkish bread with avocado, boiled chicked, tomatoe, and cheese; and


* Lifesavers (the lolly - mostly musk flavour. I'm obsessed!).


Can someone please tell me how 'bad' these two types of food are? I know they're not particularly full of saturated fat, but is there a danger when I eat them so often?

(yes, I do eat meat, fish, and veges also).

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Ryan's the local nutrition guru; he'll be along tomorrow likely. The first sounds fine to me but the candy can't be good in large quantities. 'Musk flavour'? Wierd!

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don't quote me.. but I don't see why having a few life savers can be so harful to you :p musk flavour is good lol, just try not to have it TOO often... i mean a few a day won't kill you!!!

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Is the turkish bread made with shortening, butter, oil? Is the bread made with whole-grain flour (wheat bran has not been removed)?


Boiled chicken is a good source of protein. Is the skin left on? Is the chicken breast meat, or dark meat? (Dark meat contains more fat.)


Tomatoes contain lycopene, a phytochemical that may reduce the risk of certain cancers, as well as vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant. And you include avocado? This is an excellent source of monounsaturated fat, the form which has been shown to significantly decrease blood levels of LDL (the "bad") cholesterol.


Cheese is perfectly fine, as long as you keep your portions in check. A serving is 1.5-2 ounces, about the size of 2 dice. You need 2-3 servings of dairy each day, and this could be more or less depending upon activity level, gender, and other nutritional needs.


As far as the candy snacking goes, Life Savers are pure sugar, and would be considered an empty-calorie food. Nonetheless, everybody needs to have their "guilty pleasure," and this one seems no worse than others. Just remember that moderation is the key. All foods can fit into a healthy lifestyle, just so long as you try to include whole grains, lean meat, poultry, fish, nuts, soy, legumes, vegetables, fruits, and lowfat dairy products whenever possible.

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Can someone please tell me how 'bad' these two types of food are?


There is no such thing as a good or bad food. There are only degrees of healthy dietary approaches.


The turkish bread sandwich sounds fine....pound away. Lifesavers are no deal breaker either, unless you're grinding through them like a madman. It's all about context. You need only have a DECENT diet, not a perfect one.

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