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How many at a time?


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I got more involved in clubs and activities, and eventually it paid off. I met a girl who has similar interest who was the daughter of a club member's friend. (yeah, that whole 6 degrees of separation thing) I made sure that I talked about romance and sex when we met so that she knew that it was not platonic interest, and we agreed to talk more.


I've heard you're not supposed to focus on one woman at a time. It seems like having lots of them around and dating would be a bit stressful; juggling them and trying to keep them from getting jealous, but I realize we're just starting and everything could flare out in a week.


Should I keep trying to add more women or is it wiser to see how things go one at a time?

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what a strange question. its very simple. if you want to date more ppl cause this one does not strike your fancy, then do so but let her know about it. if you dont want other women, dont go get them!

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This one turned out to be full of ****. I can see why they advise you to date multiple women; if I had another one lined up I wouldn't have to go out again and find a new girl. But it just seems like dating 3 and 4 girls at a time is time-and-money consuming and adds to drama.


It would be helpful if I knew the ratio I could expect in finding serious women who want to get something started instead of the many tragic young figures who have no idea what they want.

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