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Teacher's Pet

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Teacher's Pet


TP... I went back and looked thru your threads.. you marked each year passing with a thread about her.. the last thread was a year ago...


Face it dude.. you ain't over her...

You need an antibiotic for this infection...




In fact, the ONLY time I ever mention her is on LS.


I don't even talk about her with friends who knew the situation in RL.


Heck, when I see Ariawoman, we NEVER talk about ex's anymore, since we both are in better situations now.


LS is where I came to vent about her, and I use it for my "dirty laundry", so I don't need to bring it elsewhere....


It's like my "bad relationship toilet". I poop, wipe, and flush bad relationships here. :)



front to back! :D

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Teacher's Pet
and after all that we've taught about NC here, tsk tsk


I didn't break it, she did! :) :)



so...I win! haha

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Teacher's Pet

Thank you for your response. And I am happy to hear you are doing well.

Congratulations on your success and happiness. As you opened up with you thought you would never hear from me again, I truly thought you wouldn't respond.

I appreciate your kind words and value your forgiveness.








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I think he should have responded with his first version. Her email to him came from the heart, he heard it and responded in kind. The one he finally sent, sounded disingenuous and self-protective.


Keep in mind that as far as she's concerned, she's been sitting for five days, waiting for his response, after spilling her guts. She might respond, she might not. I truly hope she does so TP gets his answers.

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Thank you for your response. And I am happy to hear you are doing well.

Congratulations on your success and happiness. As you opened up with you thought you would never hear from me again, I truly thought you wouldn't respond.

I appreciate your kind words and value your forgiveness.








Just saw this!


Awww...she didn't call. That sucks. Are you going to let this lie, as is, then?

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Teacher's Pet
Just saw this!


Awww...she didn't call. That sucks. Are you going to let this lie, as is, then?




She knows how to reach me if she has something to say.



so....how about them Yankees?

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Thank you for your response. And I am happy to hear you are doing well.

Congratulations on your success and happiness. As you opened up with you thought you would never hear from me again, I truly thought you wouldn't respond.

I appreciate your kind words and value your forgiveness.










See dude. All she wanted was validation and forgiveness.


You won't hear from her again.

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Teacher's Pet
See dude. All she wanted was validation and forgiveness.


You won't hear from her again.


I'm quite sure that's not the last I've heard of her, but I'm not exactly holding my breath and sitting by the phone waiting, either.



ringringringringringringringring banana phone!

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See dude. All she wanted was validation and forgiveness.


You won't hear from her again.

That's because of his response to her. He left her no room to say more. It's was highly self-protective.


She probably won't contact again, since he's happy and in another relationship.

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Her response was pretty weak, and soon.


I really do wonder if she still has your phone number.


Let it lie friend.


Enjoy the show...from the balcony.


Take your new girl out. Focus on that and you.

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OK, I've lost the plot. What was the point of responding to her initial letter? Did you get the info you were looking for? I thought you were looking for some answers.

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That's because of his response to her. He left her no room to say more. It's was highly self-protective.


She probably won't contact again, since he's happy and in another relationship.


I understand and respect your view. However, I disagree. If she really wanted to express herself, 3 years of regret would not stop that train. She would. Words be damn'd. If so then she has no fight to begin with.


She was stepping out on him so pattern would have her not repsect his relationship now.


I just don't buy it. She is trouble. She got the validation. It maybe over. It should be.


There are no answers in a black hole.

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I understand and respect your view. However, I disagree. If she really wanted to express herself, 3 years of regret would not stop that train. She would. Words be damn'd. If so then she has no fight to begin with.


She was stepping out on him so pattern would have her not repsect his relationship now.


I just don't buy it. She is trouble. She got the validation. It maybe over. It should be.


There are no answers in a black hole.

I also understand and respect your views...BUT...this was TPs golden opportunity to get some answers to questions that have been plaguing him for 3 years. This isn't about her, it's about him and his needs.


To get someone to talk, you don't shut them down when they reach out to you from the heart.


If TP didn't want answers, then the simple forgiveness would have been enough.


Once again, I totally understand that everyone wants TP not to get hurt again. Having said that, it's been 3 years and sometimes I think this board is far too self-protective. TP's had enough time to pull himself together, so that he's strong enough to handle REAL answers.

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I also understand and respect your views...BUT...this was TPs golden opportunity to get some answers to questions that have been plaguing him for 3 years. This isn't about her, it's about him and his needs.


To get someone to talk, you don't shut them down when they reach out to you from the heart.


If TP didn't want answers, then the simple forgiveness would have been enough.


Once again, I totally understand that everyone wants TP not to get hurt again. Having said that, it's been 3 years and sometimes I think this board is far too self-protective. TP's had enough time to pull himself together, so that he's strong enough to handle REAL answers.


I honestly don't think she ever intended on giving him any real and honest answers.


I believe that her agenda was to clear her own conscious. Nothing more, nothing less.


If she truly cared about TP, she would have left him alone and let sleeping dogs lie.

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Land Shark

While contact with an ex is ok if you can handle it, you need to be able to rely on yourself for the answers you need. Don't put any aspect of your well-being in someone else's hands. If, for instance, you want them to tell you that it wasn't really about you, that just amounts to admitting that you couldn't supply that reassurance to yourself. And if you can't do that for yourself, then you won't believe what they say anyway.

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Teacher's Pet

The way I look at it is this...


If she feels she got a little "validation" from me, so be it.


But, it's apparent from her original letter that she's feeling the effects of bad karma, and apparently from her tone, it's pretty bad.


Nothing I can say or do will change that karma has bitten her in the ass, in some way.


I'm a full believer in karma. No woman who has ever mistreated me has gotten away with it scot-free, from a karma standpoint.


Part of me is chuckling over her misery, but that's only because it's personal. Otherwise, I do feel bad if things have gone to **** for her, because they never really did for me.


I'm relatively happy now, it's more than I can say for her.


So in the end, I came out on top. :)



though I usually was anyway ;)

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Awww..... :love:


That was so wonderful TP!


I just read "the letter" but not this whole thread.


She acted like a true teacher. :)


She rocked with that letter, and my respects to her.


I'm so glad you got it TP, and hope that gives you closure and makes you feel a little better.

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Dexter Morgan
Thank you for your response. And I am happy to hear you are doing well.

Congratulations on your success and happiness. As you opened up with you thought you would never hear from me again, I truly thought you wouldn't respond.


well if she didn't think you'd respond, then what was the point of sending the letter? To piss you off or try to stir up emotions that you may have worked hard to overcome?

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i still think it was a bad idea to contact her. and i can also say that she's probably not on some obscure internet forum looking for emotional support.

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I believe that her agenda was to clear her own conscious. Nothing more, nothing less.


I agree. This was about her, not you..So she could feel better.


If she truly cared about TP, she would have left him alone and let sleeping dogs lie.


After 3 years, yes. I agree. Why would it take 3 flippin' years for her to figure out what a bitch she was to TP and say sorry? Yeah whatever she went through, a painful time or whatever, woke her up, enough to email him and send him a long note?


PANDORA's box...

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i still think it was a bad idea to contact her. and i can also say that she's probably not on some obscure internet forum looking for emotional support.


Indeed.. I wonder if she was on an internet forum if she would've created a 12 page thread about contacting him and whether or not she should after breaking up 3 years before...

Probably not....


TP.. I hope you got some kind of closure from this but it didn't seem to me that you contacted her for closure.. maybe a bit of being able to tell her you are doing great and she isn't but all in all it wasn't a disaster...yet...

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