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Teacher's Pet

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Where is AriaWoman???


She is the only one who can save us now.


Damn, I wish I knew my name was being uttered....but i changed it from AW a while ago LOL. Now you've blown my cover, and you must be discarded. :-)

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I have no idea....


Bi chicks dig me. I just need to get them to dig me 2 at a time. ;)


With this new one, I think I can, since she's VERY open about her "sexual desires", and really wants a 3-some.....


I just hope I get to approve her picks beforehand! :)


The Teacher was bi, but not "freaky".... she didn't do 3-somes.



you wanna right some wrongs? here's what you can do! hehe


You know all you need to do for 3some is ask your current, and skim..you know the rest of the name. They make out all the time anyway from what i've seen...lol

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I haven't read the whole thread yet, what given the fact that I've seen you since the start of this thread....


I don't know if i told you this, but I got a letter from D...end of last year I guess? He took full responsibility for how badly he treated me and basically told me how great I was and how I didn't deserve what he did, and yadda yadda.


I was already with G for what, 8-9 months when that email arrived, but I replied, and you know what, I can't say it did any good. All it does, is reopen the old wounds.


You still have wounds from her. You might think you don't, but you do. I still have wounds from D. They will always be there, regardless of how long the scab has formed. It's just part of who we are, now.


Are we better people for having gone through these failed attempts at love? Yes. Does it mean we should try to be friends with them? Nah. Nothing is going to come of it.


I've found that as soon as I have any form of contact with D, I start thinking like I used to. Obsessing over communication. Etc. It's bad enough that he's caused me to have trust issues with new relationships, so I know I shouldn't jeopardize things by keeping those lines open, and neither should you...


His birthday was the day before mine, and i didn't even remember. Can you believe that? The person I pined over all that time? I remembered on my birthday, and I did send him a quick Happy Bday...and you know what....I didn't get a reply for like, a week. He replied saying he should have replied sooner....and asked me what I did for my bday, but to be honest, I've not replied. Why, because i noticed that I immediately felt those pains again. And I don't need to feel those pains over someone who didn't love me.


I don't know if you've sent the letter, since I didn't finish the thread yet, but I hope you didn't. I hope you listened to Mollyanna....because honestly, you're better off living in the present, than dwelling on the past.


Seeing you the other day I could see how happy you were that you heard from her, and all that said to me, was that deep down, you're not over that relationship yet. And that's FINE....however, you shouldn't do anything to jeopardize your current...continuing trying to heal from past crap while dating your current....but don't reopen the wounds. It's not going to help you.




*slow clapping*

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Teacher's Pet
You know all you need to do for 3some is ask your current, and skim..you know the rest of the name. They make out all the time anyway from what i've seen...lol




I could never do that....


"that other woman" is practically family!! :)



but I like the way you think!

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Teacher's Pet


Hmmm... is right.


I've been really thinking a lot of things through...


The pros and cons of every possible "outcome" of this whole scenario....


One thing I've put a lot of thought into is the fact that I really want a serious relationship. I'm not 22 anymore. :)


I don't know how much of a future I can have with someone who essentially is a swinger. H (my current GF, for those of you keeping score) is a sweetheart, but she is definately not "long-term" material. She was in an abusive marriage, and is now seemingly "sowing her wild oats".


I mean, it's fine and all from a casual/sexual point of view, but at my age, I need to really focus on what's important.


B (i.e. "The Teacher") has grown up so much in the last 3 years. She's really come to terms with her own "misdeeds" regarding people in her life. It took really being hurt to realize what really being LOVED felt like, and she's admitted that she finally understands that.


She's cleared just about all of the negative people from her life, and is focusing on her career and her future, as am I.


I can honestly say she's making a "fresh start" in her life, and well.....


She's asked me to be a part of it.


She wants us to get back together, and I'm not so sure I'm against it.


Last night was my greatest test in this whole situation...


I was at her place, and we were watching TV (a Family Guy marathon, by the way... I NEVER watched FG until I met her!)..... and she "made a move" on me....


You have NO IDEA how badly I wanted to sleep with her.


I didn't. I stood my ground (she can be very...convincing... when it comes to seduction), and went home.


I turned down a night of sex to protect myself from being "clouded" in my judgement regarding her...and us.


She understood my reasons for leaving last night.


If I'm going to do ANYTHING like this with her, it will be for the RIGHT reasons, and under the RIGHT circumstances.


Maybe I am confused, maybe I am making a big mistake, but I refuse to become one of the "scumbags".


I will NOT cheat on my gf. If it comes down to it, I will end things with her, but I will do so with a clear conscience.


I wish you could all feel what's going on in my head and my heart right now, because it's really complicated, but I WILL do what's best....


...and for once.... what's best FOR ME.



which is...?

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Good for you, TP! I know how difficult that is... I had a girl I was extremely attracted to pounce on me while I was still in a very unhappy relationship and I somehow mustered the willpower to push her off.


Very difficult. Good for you for holding your ground.

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Good for you for holding your ground.


:lmao:..since when has he held his ground ?.. Holding his ground would have been to not break NC...


He is playing right into her hands..


Remember TP.. while people change they also don't..


You have now put her on some sort of pedestal and looking at her like she has the best intentions of being with you for the rest of your life..

in all reality you don't know her anymore...


Are you still seeing your present GF ? and does she know that you are seeing someone else.. an ex ?


Time to shiot or get off the pot TP...

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hey TP...


If D came back to me, and wanted me back, and I was posting here about him, what would you tell me to do?

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I've been right in your shoes before...ugh. This is why I stay off the Second Chances part of the forum. I don't believe in them. Sure people make mistakes within a relationship and are given "chances." But when those hurdles are not worked through WITHIN the relationship and one party or the other leaves...fogetta about it.


The chances of this working out in the end are almost nil in my opinion. And I don't even know (or have to know) the particulars of how it ended in the first place. I gather she left you.


And she'll do it again..for one reason or another.


If you, at your ages, (mid to late 30's right?) couldn't work this out the first time it's not likely that it's going to work out this time either.


I'm being very generous here in saying that I'd give it ONE year before it all turns to shyt again.


But hey, go for it if you want. I didn't listen either!

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oh dear lord


It's best if you just turn your head alpha... :laugh:


I do think 2nd chances can work.. but you have to be over the old person before the new chance can work..

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It's best if you just turn your head alpha... :laugh:


I do think 2nd chances can work.. but you have to be over the old person before the new chance can work..


I don't understand that. If you're over the person then you'd have no interest in a 2nd chance.

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I think maybe A_C means that you have to have forgiven the issues with the "ex" and view the person as your "gf/bf" rather than someone you are going for a second chance with?


I'm not sure.


I've yet to have a second chance work out. I know sometimes they do, but I also know TP...and unfortunately, I'm pretty sure he's pursuing this for the wrong reasons.


TP - you know me, and you know I'll call you out when I see sh*t. I see it. You're looking for validation from that relationships end of 3+ years ago. I've seen what that relationship did to you. (new Years eve a few years back...etc.etc).


I understand wanting it to work. This is a person that you believe you loved, but tell me something, if you loved her, do you think you'd have walked around trashing her for the past 3 years? Have you ever heard me trash my exes?


The reason you walk around talking about anyone, is because they still get to you. For whatever reason, she's always gotten to you. She's not left your mind. You haven't gotten over the failure of the 1st time around. You're hoping that with a 2nd time around, it'll fix the pain of the failure of the 1st time around. Believe me, I get it. I just also think it won't work. And I hate to see you put yourself back here.


Now, I DO agree with your posts regarding H. People on the boards might think you're talking down about that R but since I've seen her in person and know how she acts I'll be 100% honest and say that I don't see her settling down, nor you sticking with her. You wanted to have some fun, and you have been. But I dont think either of you have any more stock in it than that.


Does that mean you should dump H and get back with B? No. They are 2 separate issues. Continue having fun with H, while possibly dating others, however I'd honestly think any time you spend on B will be a futile effort...

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It's best if you just turn your head alpha... :laugh:


but i want to watch the train wreck :lmao:

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but i want to watch the train wreck :lmao:


That's so mean!


By the way TP, your screen name has never been more appropriate than it is right now. Sorry, I had to say it.:eek:

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burning 4 revenge
Agreed. TP, what you write makes me, as a woman, very uncomfortable.



I really can't think of a less "creepy" guy...except for his refusal to admit the Iraq War was a big mistake :p


Some of you need to relax a little

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I really can't think of a less "creepy" guy...except for his refusal to admit the Iraq War was a big mistake :p


Some of you need to relax a little


I have to agree. I thought it was funny myself. I guess if you don't get someone's sense of humor then they're creepy..if you do, they're just funny.

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burning 4 revenge
I have to agree. I thought it was funny myself. I guess if you don't get someone's sense of humor then they're creepy..if you do, they're just funny.

Yeah, I've seen a good number of creepy male posters on LS, but I really don't understand how anyone familiar with TP's personality could find him creepy

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Yeah, I've seen a good number of creepy male posters on LS, but I really don't understand how anyone familiar with TP's personality could find him creepy


I know...those comments were so weird to me that I even thought I might have missed a post or two of TP's. I actually went back to see if I did. But I didn't. I guess they were put off by the funny sexual joke/play on words. God shoot me, if I ever get to be such a prude and/or stick in the mud that I can't appreciate a good joke.

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Wow, what a surprise... she wants to start something with you again?? Imagine that.


Obviously I don't know the situation with your current g/f, but I'd be pretty hurt if I knew my b/f was hanging out watching TV with an ex who was trying to seduce him... whether he was able to keep his pants on or not.


If your current g/f happened to be a fly on the wall that night, would she have been hurt? I think that's the question you gotta ask yourself.

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:lmao:..since when has he held his ground ?.. Holding his ground would have been to not break NC...


He is playing right into her hands..


Remember TP.. while people change they also don't..


You have now put her on some sort of pedestal and looking at her like she has the best intentions of being with you for the rest of your life..

in all reality you don't know her anymore...


Are you still seeing your present GF ? and does she know that you are seeing someone else.. an ex ?


Time to shiot or get off the pot TP...


lol I meant about not giving it up. You're absolutely right though, but we'll get him farther by advising him on the now rather than berating him over what he should have done.

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Wow, what a surprise... she wants to start something with you again?? Imagine that.

Obviously I don't know the situation with your current g/f, but I'd be pretty hurt if I knew my b/f was hanging out watching TV with an ex who was trying to seduce him... whether he was able to keep his pants on or not.


If your current g/f happened to be a fly on the wall that night, would she have been hurt? I think that's the question you gotta ask yourself.


I know, right? I mean I didn't see her trying to start something BEFORE she herself got dumped.


Where's your pride, TP? A guy like you should be FIRST choice..not what you are now.

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Teacher's Pet
hey TP...


If D came back to me, and wanted me back, and I was posting here about him, what would you tell me to do?


Honestly, I don't know...


I'd suggest against going back to him...


But our situations are a little different, I think...



like um..i'm a boy.

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It's so funny to me that everyone always thinks their situation is different (including me in the past) but the result, in this kind of thing, is almost always the same.


If I were you I'd think about why she left in the first place. I don't remember the details of your story. Did she leave for someone else? Maybe she's changed and this time she'll leave you BEFORE starting it up with someone else. But she WILL leave. It's almost a certainty.


You don't leave someone you're really meant to be with IMO. No way. I mean why does she now think you're it for her? Why weren't you enough for her before?

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