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Teacher's Pet

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Citizen Erased
I think you should advise TP to take Teacher 300 miles away for a little reconnecting type of rendezvous. When she gets there he should act uninterested and even flirt with other women. Also, please don't forget to advise him to NOT be a gentleman and do NOT under any circumstances bring her over a chair if she's standing.


Well, that's all I can think of for now.


If she doesn't cleave to him forever after that, well I just don't know.


What an odd thing to say. Does Touche have some gossip she'd like to share with CE? :laugh::p

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Uhm, yeah....


(Btw, I bet you there must be hundreds of guys here in LS crossing fingers for a happy ending to this)

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Oh, it'll go to hell alright. I mean, it'll be so romantic.[/


Uhm, yeah. As romantic as Hitler telling E

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oops, sorry, hit the submit button too early. I forgot what I was going to say...something about Hitler and Eva Braun...somehow it reminded me of TP and TP's Pet.

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I still think you're being a dumba** TP. And you know I'll tell you that to your face should I see you again in the near future before she screws you over again.


Now, bear in mind, that should you date her again, I'll be open minded if I meet her, however, I will not be blind when telling you what I think of her, or how I see her treating you, or any of that.


I don't sugar coat.


I also don't see this going well.


I also don't want a repeat of NYE a few years ago....he knows what he did.

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(Btw, I bet you there must be hundreds of guys here in LS crossing fingers for a happy ending to this)


I doubt hundreds.. but I for one do hope the best for him and hope they can buck the odds :)


It would really be cool to have an upbeat thread on LS about a successful do over of an oldie poster...



I've crossed everything I can think of for TP....

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While I'm not a big fan of second chances, BTDT once myself..crashed and burned...I sincerely hope this works out for TP. How he goes into this, perception-wise, can make a boat-load of difference, in that if it works out, great, if it doesn't, he gets his finality with no regrets.

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Been there done that several times myself with different bfs. None worked thusfar lol. I'm sure it's possible, but never really seems probable. As the book says "it's called a breakup because it's broken".

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Three years is a long time, where both parties might have changed and matured enough to make a viable go at it. I can't gauge that, since I don't personally know either party, only what TP has posted of himself and what he's subsequently posted about the emotional growth of his ex.


While you know TP personally, you don't know the ex, except from what TP has told to you, which was, no offense TP, coming from a position of bias, pain and rejection. There are always two realities in every story.

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I still think you're being a dumba** TP. And you know I'll tell you that to your face should I see you again in the near future before she screws you over again.


Now, bear in mind, that should you date her again, I'll be open minded if I meet her, however, I will not be blind when telling you what I think of her, or how I see her treating you, or any of that.


I don't sugar coat.


I also don't see this going well.


I also don't want a repeat of NYE a few years ago....he knows what he did.

ooh that hurts

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in that if it works out, great, if it doesn't, he gets his finality with no regrets.
yeah cuz people that get back with exes who treated them badly never have regrets


The OP is taking a huge emotional risk and there is no sugar coating that. And yes regrets are entirely possible. There are no free rides in life.


Otoh, it could very well work out but not with out the risk of pain and regret. Only the OP knows if the risk is worth it but this whole "pie in the sky" "you won't have any regrets" stuff is contrary to everything I've learned in life and reading this site.


Imo, if it doesn't work out there will be lots of regrets for the op and should make for an interesting thread.

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jesus christ what is a republican doing with "bisexuals" anyways? isn't that against the GOP code of conduct?

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jesus christ what is a republican doing with "bisexuals" anyways? isn't that against the GOP code of conduct?


Good question, Alpha! Maybe TP is a closet liberal, huh?

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yeah cuz people that get back with exes who treated them badly never have regrets


The OP is taking a huge emotional risk and there is no sugar coating that. And yes regrets are entirely possible. There are no free rides in life.


Otoh, it could very well work out but not with out the risk of pain and regret. Only the OP knows if the risk is worth it but this whole "pie in the sky" "you won't have any regrets" stuff is contrary to everything I've learned in life and reading this site.


Imo, if it doesn't work out there will be lots of regrets for the op and should make for an interesting thread.

Go right ahead and take my words out of context. Note the perception, part. Sure, there will be pain, if it doesn't work out, but that goes away much faster, the second time around, if you balance it out. It's the bitter and cynical, who tie it all into their ego/pride and self-esteem, who don't heal.
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isn't that against the GOP code of conduct?
only if you buy in to the state media caricature of republicans
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I think that second chances are good. They can clear up the air once and for all and can lead to closure and finally a sense of peace. I hope it works out, however unlikely it is, but if it doesn't, I think TP will finally be able to lay the whole thing to rest. I hope so at least because anyone who goes for a third, forth,fifth etc.. chance needs to have his head examined.

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Go right ahead and take my words out of context. Note the perception, part. Sure, there will be pain, if it doesn't work out, but that goes away much faster, the second time around, if you balance it out. It's the bitter and cynical, who tie it all into their ego/pride and self-esteem, who don't heal.

Not saying you won't be right but its just my opinion that the greater risk(for pain and regret) lies in the second time around. Otherwise everyone would get or give a second chance. For most the risk to reward is just too high for second chances.


Again not saying you won't be right and not trying to take your words out of context. :) I do agree that it is ego that keeps folks from healing. Unfortunately, we all have one, and they get bruised whether we intend it or not.

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Hope things are okay TP....


he just needs to come up for air every now and then and he should be fine...:laugh:


I guess tonight was the big talk night eh ?

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He's been online tonight....so I'm not sure why he's not updated. His status on another famous website was changed a few hours ago lol

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