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Teacher's Pet

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Teacher's Pet
Or maybe.... you really do think she wants to be friends, and you think you're ready for that?? Who knows.


I truly DO think I'm ready.


So much has changed in my life since we broke up...


I have ALL new friends (and much better ones, at that!).... a better income, I finally have my own place again....


And... a cute little woman in my life who can't get enough of the 'ol chorizo, if you know what I mean... ;)


I have it pretty good now, at least in comparison....


But yes, I actually DO miss her FRIENDSHIP. When we were JUST FRIENDS for about 6 months before we become romantic/sexual, it was a LOT of fun...


I guess I just want it all.




We shall see.



i want to have my cake, and eat it too.... and i ate hers enough times already. ;)

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Teacher's Pet
TP youre so weak :(


I know. :)


Heartbreak, pain, and depression.


I think I'll order the rib-eye tonight. :)


Fat guys are easily swayed with red meat.



hungry man

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a cute little woman in my life who can't get enough of the 'ol chorizo' date=' if you know what I mean... ;)[/quote']



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Teacher's Pet
You only live once TP.. What is it that you REALLY want ?


I guess I want it all.


I suppose in my head, I'm creating this "utopian" life, where I have everything I want, and everyone around me loves me. :)


I mean, I have that now... this would be the crowning achievement. :p




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Teacher's Pet
Maybe TP is just a really friendly guy.


I can name 2 LS'ers who can personally vouch for that. :)



misses his girls

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Teacher's Pet
TP - you need to ask yourself the very hard question - what exactly is drawing you to her now?


I wouldn't call it "being drawn" to her...


But I guess this is a new experience for me.


I've NEVER maintained a friendship with an ex before.


I guess this is a learning experience.



and she's a teacher!

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TP, you sir, crack me up.


Your such a attention whore. ;)


Let us know how the date, I mean, meeting goes :p

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  • Author
Teacher's Pet
TP, you sir, crack me up.


Your such a attention whore. ;)


Let us know how the date, I mean, meeting goes :p


7,654 posts didn't just come from nowhere... ;)



and maybe 1/4 of them are about HER! lol

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Teacher's Pet

One hour, 43 minutes until "The Thrilla On Route 17"......


What to wear...what to wear..... lol



bow tie and a jock strap?

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When we were JUST FRIENDS for about 6 months before we become romantic/sexual' date=' it was a LOT of fun...[/quote']


You mean the extended flirtation period where you developed feelings, started to like her and eventually wanted more?


Yeah, going back to that sounds like a really great idea...


I know I'm busting your balls TP, but I'm trying to give it to you straight, man to man, telling you the things you don't want to hear but probably need to.


Your points about new experiences are valid ones, HOWEVER, I think the main reason you're doing to this is to show off to her how much better you are now than when she dumped you.


You're seeking validation, big guy.


And guess what? I doubt she'll give it to you. If anything she'll probably use it to rope you back in and string you along.


Don't get me wrong, it's entirely possible that she's changed, but your intuition has to be telling you to watch out for exactly what I just said. If it's not, don't hang out with her until it is.

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iBelieve In Symmetry
personally I would ignore it.


The email sounds kinda self serving in a way. She wants you to forgive her so she can feel better.


I really has nothing to do with you. It is about her asuging her own guilt.



As hurtful as it may sound to hear this.

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WOW!!! God, I'd give anything to get an email like that. And for what it's worth, I completely agree with Ronni -- if you have to send anything at all. How are you feeling about it all today?

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Teacher's Pet
WOW!!! God, I'd give anything to get an email like that. And for what it's worth, I completely agree with Ronni -- if you have to send anything at all. How are you feeling about it all today?


Well, we're having dinner at 9pm tonight, if that means anything. :lmao:



and she's paying. :)

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iBelieve In Symmetry
Dear Ex:


While I've already forgiven you, I can't forgive your actions.


Good luck with your life.


Take care,


-notice the capital letters?




This give a nod to her self-serving requirements but ensures no further emotional tampon usage.


Aha! Good one!

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You're giving her so much more than she deserves. Don't get hurt again, and please, please don't break your current gf's heart, okay??

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Teacher's Pet
You're giving her so much more than she deserves. Don't get hurt again, and please, please don't break your current gf's heart, okay??




On both counts.



still scheming up a way to get a 3some :lmao::lmao::lmao:

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I think it's impossible to be friend with someone who hurt you so deeply, took you SO long to get over.


Guess I just don't see the point of opening that door..


What's in it for you? WHY do you want be friends or friendly with her? Maybe right now you don't know the answer, or you do, but won't really admit it to yourself..


Anyway, I just hope that going out with your ex doesn't stir up old feelings, both good and bad..

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Teacher's Pet

I survived. :)


And yes, I am still "virtuous". ;)




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Did you feel any old feelings for her?


When hasn't he ? :laugh:


He hasn't stopped talking about trying to having sex with her since this thread started..

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I know these are all jokes but there are tons of them.. too many it seems for a man that claims he is over this woman..


Do you see it yet TP ?... this woman has still got you.. unless that is what you want.. and if it is then tell us where you're going with this



she missed my c*ck. :p



Hmm...she did say she wanted to make up for things...


She's bi... my current gf is bi.........






Besides, I'm with someone now who I can bring to orgasm with just 2 fingers, and not even where you'd think. :) :) :)


With The Teacher, I actually had to put some work into it. :)



BIG poppa ;)


What I'd REALLY like to write?


Dear X...


My new gf is bi.


You're bi.


How 'bout it?


Me :)



workin' the angles


I was thinking of adding "P.S. I miss your tits", but....nah.



she did have nice tits, even though they were slightly lopsided. :)


If I were to pull that off, all of you would BOW before me. :)



loves watching a good snowball fight ;)


I have no idea....


Bi chicks dig me. I just need to get them to dig me 2 at a time. ;)




you wanna right some wrongs? here's what you can do! hehe


I have a girl that likes to occasionally light an extra burner while we're cooking! ;) ;)



share and share alike!




ringringringringringringringring banana phone!



So in the end, I came out on top. :)



though I usually was anyway ;)



i want to have my cake, and eat it too.... and i ate hers enough times already. ;)


What to wear...what to wear..... lol



bow tie and a jock strap?



still scheming up a way to get a 3some


And yes, I am still "virtuous". ;)




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A bird in the hand is better then 2 in the bush.






A bush is better than 2 birds, IMHO :)

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Teacher's Pet
Did you feel any old feelings for her?


Honestly, I don't think so.


We had a nice dinner, we cleared the air on a few things...


Everytime I mentioned something about how bad she was, her reply would be "I had that coming" (meaning she deserved to hear it)...


Maybe I'm just a little "biased", but I think she really has accepted the fact she screwed up.


It doesn't change the past, but perhaps she learned a hard lesson too...


I actually have to get ready for work now.. but later I'll post more details....



...to be continued

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I actually have to get ready for work now.. but later I'll post more details....


Please do.

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