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asking a girl to homecoming?


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there is this girl in my high school and my feelings for her is getting stronger everytime i think about her. i met her when i we were both in the 10th grade and now we are both senoirs. today 10/23/03 i saw her during lunch. i was holding a militaryduffle bag in my right hand and when i saw her, it seemed like she didnt notice me (i think, but not sure) so i swung my duffle bag at her booty to get her attention. when she turned around she gave me a greeting with her facial expression and i replyed back. but she said you hit my butt and so i came up to her closer and tried to tell her that i touched her with my duffle bag. then we didnt say anything to each other and her friend came up to us and greeted me with her facial expression. after that there was still no words said, then we just went our own way without saying anything. homecoming is in two weeks from now and tommorow i planned to talked to her and ask her out to homecoming. but the problem is that i have a little trouble talking to girls when it comes to having a long conversation. also im not quite sure on how to ask her without crossing any lines or messing up the whole thing. i need help and looking for any suggestions or advices. if anyone can help me, please do. thanx!

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It basically comes down to this:


1. If you do ask her, she might say yes and if she doesn't, you'll know where you two stand once and for all.

2. If you don't ask her, you'll always wish you had.


So, the way I see it, there are more positives than negatives in the "asking her" scenario. She may be shy too, so she isn't more flirty with you. But, she did give you the time of day and may be interested. There's only one way to find out and (as a girl) I really think you should go for it. Even if she is already going with someone else or doesn't think she's interested now...it may get the ball rolling in her mind. Or, it could be the start of a good thing!



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thanx for your advice. but i want to talk more about her. i was wondering you could help me out more. if i do talk to her and ask her to homecoming what should i say to her. i dont really feel shy when im around her but my mind goes blank and it gets really hard for me to start a conversation. even though weve met in 10th grade she still a mystery to me and i got doubts about her.

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There is really only one way to figure out your doubts about her, and that is to get to know her better. The best way to do that would be to ask her on a date such as homecoming.


About asking, if your mind is a blank slate around her, keep it simple. Girls like directness as much as guys do...mostly. Just say what you want--which is something that should be ingrained into your mind by now. Just say "I want to get to know you better, and I'd love to take you to homecoming." It doesn't have to be fancy. Just ask her the next time you can, if you feel comfy.


If you have anymore questions or concerns, just reply back. I think you'll do fine though:)

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i dont kno how dis will sound. but im kind of like a late bloomer so to speak. ive never asked a girl to a prom, dance or stuff like dat. so i dont have a lot of experience when it comes to things like this. im not even a good dancer. i used to dance a little bit when i was little, but somebody told me my body was too hard. today my body is still hard when it comes to dancing. so i have a problem wid dat. also im not sure on what to do when it comes to taking a girl to homecoming.

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Well, everyone deals with this problem sooner or later, and its ok that yours is later.


If you don't feel like a good dancer--maybe you could schedule a dance lesson with the girl (if she says yes)! Just got to a local dance teacher and ask for a lesson. That would be really fun, it would be really classy of you, and it probably wouldn't be very spendy. Also, you can ask your Mom to practice with you, or just tune into your favorite top 20 radio station and dance in the mirror. It helps to see yourself dance. You'll get the feel of it. Plus, it's about fun when you're dancing--it's not like you have to be on Bandstand or anything to have fun. The most important thing about dancing with a girl is not to touch her in inappropriate places before she's ready for that.


I'm assuming it's a formal dance--so you'll need to rent a tux ASAP if she says yes. They you need to order a boutenier for yourself and a corsage for her (match it to her dress). As far as the actual night--a group of you and your friends can have dinner at one of your houses, or if you want it to be more personal, you could cook her dinner (to keep costs down) or you could take her somewhere nice (it doesn't have to be really spendy). Find somewhere that's really good for conversation, and get her input as well.


Afterwards, go make out! No, just kidding. Go somewhere you can talk, again. Maybe a soda fountain, or an all night diner. Those are always fun. If things are feeling romantic and it's nice outside, you can go look at the stars somewhere.


I hope that helps! Let me know if you need more help. Have a good one:)

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