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but I like his friend

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Hi, any advise would be appreciated.


I am 25. I just moved her about 6 months ago so I do not have alot of friends. I have become friends with my nieghbors, 2 Guys. I go over to their house about once a week just to hang out, drink, watch movies barbecue etc. One of them has been very flirty with me and even has gone as far as to ask me to have sex with him. I am not attracted to him in that way and always just laugh it off and say I wouldn't do that with my nieghbor. I don't know if he has a genuine interest in me or if he is just one of those flirty type of people since I dont often see him around other women. The problem is that a couple weeks ago while I was there, one of their friends came over that I had never met before. I was instantly attracted to him. We talked for a long time and got along really well. I think he may have been attracted to me as well. I have since seen him over at their house but have been nervous about going over to their house while he is there. I am really attracted to him and I think about him often. I dont know if I should make a move because I dont want to hurt my friend's feelings as I enjoy our friendship very much. What should I do?

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If this neighbor really asked you to have sex with him as part of a flirting ritual, he is an absolute, low-class scumbag. He is NO friend. You simply don't treat friends like that, even joking, and it sounded from your post that he was serious. Unless he sees you as a tramp, he should know sex takes place at minimum in the context of some sort of dating relationship. Only lower forms of animals take the very direct route and even they do some sniffing prior.


By virtue of his absolute rudeness and total disrepsect for your womanhood, by the authority vested in me by Her Majesty the Queen, The President of the United States, E Pluribus Unum, I hereby direct that you shall forthwith and with due haste approach the man you are fond and, in doing so move swiftly, and pursue whatever relationship may present itself.


In the future, don't EVER let some weasel ask you to have sex out of nowhere. That is so below low class. He really did you a favor and makes it so much easier for you to go after the guy you like.


And why would you want to preserve a friendship with somebody who has so little respect for you as this neighbor?

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I appreciate your advise. I must clear something up. I do not hold it against my friend that he asked me to have sex with him. It happened once and when I said no he respected my decision. I have asked guy friends of mine if they wanted to have sex with me and it has worked for me, so I dont blame a guy for trying. I dont think its low class, I think its honest. Besides we're all in college so that kind of stuff is ok, for now. Peace.

If this neighbor really asked you to have sex with him as part of a flirting ritual, he is an absolute, low-class scumbag. He is NO friend. You simply don't treat friends like that, even joking, and it sounded from your post that he was serious. Unless he sees you as a tramp, he should know sex takes place at minimum in the context of some sort of dating relationship. Only lower forms of animals take the very direct route and even they do some sniffing prior. By virtue of his absolute rudeness and total disrepsect for your womanhood, by the authority vested in me by Her Majesty the Queen, The President of the United States, E Pluribus Unum, I hereby direct that you shall forthwith and with due haste approach the man you are fond and, in doing so move swiftly, and pursue whatever relationship may present itself. In the future, don't EVER let some weasel ask you to have sex out of nowhere. That is so below low class. He really did you a favor and makes it so much easier for you to go after the guy you like. And why would you want to preserve a friendship with somebody who has so little respect for you as this neighbor?
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Shay: If you like this new guy, what are you waiting for?! Ask him to have sex with you!!! It obviously has worked for you before. What a clever way to get a guy interested in you; for about 20 minutes that is. Just a side note. I went through college, as did my boyfriend and most of my close friends. I must have missed something, because I was unaware of being allowed to outright ask someone to have sex with me, and it being ok because I was in college. SHUCKS! Anyway, use condoms, and re-evaluate your casualness towards this issue, because it is NOT NORMAL!

I appreciate your advise. I must clear something up. I do not hold it against my friend that he asked me to have sex with him. It happened once and when I said no he respected my decision. I have asked guy friends of mine if they wanted to have sex with me and it has worked for me, so I dont blame a guy for trying. I dont think its low class, I think its honest. Besides we're all in college so that kind of stuff is ok, for now. Peace.
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I am not a tramp. I am a young, healthy, educated woman who does not need to be in a serious relationship to enjoy sex with someone. That does not mean just anyone. I have only had 5 partners(ALWAYS used condoms). I am selective, but if someone who I am friends with interests me, I let them know. If I were a man, none of you would be calling me a tramp.

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You're right. If you were a man, you wouldn't be called a tramp. I, personally, would call you something MUCH worse than that.

I am not a tramp. I am a young, healthy, educated woman who does not need to be in a serious relationship to enjoy sex with someone. That does not mean just anyone. I have only had 5 partners(ALWAYS used condoms). I am selective, but if someone who I am friends with interests me, I let them know. If I were a man, none of you would be calling me a tramp.
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