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does she want more

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I have been friends with this girl from work for some 5 years now and during this time we have been out as friends for meal together nd regularly just hang out all day without any problems at all.


When i first met the girl at work she was dating a guy who treated her fairly badly and she ended the relationship around 3 years ago,she still sees the guy around where she lives but has no contact with him.


I have always been attracted to this girl since we met and figured that since she was single that i should ask her to go out with me,needless to say that she told me she would like to remain as just friends and that it was not me she just does not want to go out with anybody at the moment, and true to her word in 3 yrs she has not dated a single guy.


So even though i felt a little rejected i decided that rather than cut her out of my life i would remain her friend and continue to see her.


For the past year or so i have seen this girl every weekend and there has been no hint of any romance but recently she seems to be flirting with me and every time i say i have to be going she asks if i can stay a little longer and has said that if i ever want to stay over i can.Now if i was in a bar and a girl was looking directly at me and smiling and stroking her hair i would take this as a sign of interest.


So what should i do given that she said she does not want a relationship albeit a year ago

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People change their minds all the time. Generally when you like someone, and make them aware of it, and they respond negatively, it only means that they are not interested you in that way, AT THAT POINT OF TIME.


The way I see it, If you still like this girl, may be you should SHOW it rather than SAY it. Next time when you are with her, be mor intimate, and try and create an opportunity where you can kiss her ( NO NOT ON THE CHEEK !!! GEEZ)


See how she responds. If she responds favourably, then you have nothing to worry about! On the other hand if she just snaps back at you asking " what the hell do you think you aredoing" , just tell her that you didnt know what came over you , it just happend, it just felt right !! So even if she doesnt like it, chances are that she wont get totally pissed off with you ! after all its just an innocent kiss.


Bottom Line : Rather than TELLING HER how you feel, just create special moments when you are together with her, so that the time you spend together would be special for her also. Concentrate on QUALITY of time spent together rather than mere duration

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Thanks for the advice it turns out that you were correct,I took a gamble and it turns out that her feelings have changed and she now wants to be more than friends.



thanks again



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