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Does he like me like that??

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Hi, heres my question. I've been seeing this guy for a few months and its been very turbulent basically because he wasn't really ready to be in a relationship and I was. Hes been in and out relationships and been involved with quite a number of people over the last 6yrs whereas Im quite a bit younger and haven't really had a proper relationship.


So we fell out and he said he needed time to think, that he felt pressured and kind of scared because if we went out properly it would probably be long term (that was when he was drunk). When he got back to me he said he didn't want a relationship right now and he just wanted to be friends so I just thought that meant he wasn't interested and it was a way to soften the blow.


So i said 'sure, whatever...c yer later'. But then he asked if we were still gonna go to this party so and I realised how horrible it was going to be trying to be friends when I still like him so much, so I told him that I needed space and I didnt think I could do it. I also said Id been spending time with someone else since we'd fallen out which I know is kind of bad of me, but I sort of wanted to see the reaction. But he reckoned that we got on well and we should spend atl east one day a week doing something to re-build our friendship etc. So I agreed because he sort of reassured me that he actually wanted to spend time with me; that it was important to him.


So later I got a drunk call from him saying he was so jealous, that he did fancy me, but that he just wanted to be friends for now and see where it leads us which kind of made me happy although I don't want to be strung along or get my hopes up if Im only going to be hurt later on.


So we went out for the day and it was hard because although he was much happier and postive towards me I missed the physical contact just like hugging and kissing and stuff, which has been replaced with play fights, and just the occasional pat on the knee or arm or whatever......


I guess I want to know what Im dealing with here? Does he like me like that or not....?? The last thing I want to be called is 'mate' or to be told 'your like the sister I never had'


And do people generally tell the truth when they're drunk of not??

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Drinking releases inhibitions, has people say something they normally wouldn't say, but they say things they think, so I would say yeah. Believe him.

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Sounds like he's messing you about. If he really liked you he'd be with you...people do need time to work out their lives but when the right person walk into their life nothing else seems to matter so much. Im sure he likes you but he doesn't sound that picky from what you said. Maybe he doesnt like you as much as you deserve?


So you really want him bad but instead you have to just be his mate til he decides...try talking to him about it, cause if I was you I would be going crazy not knowing where I stood and basically thats what your asking - Where do I stand?


Don't know much about body language....before you would make out and cuddle in public but now you just get the odd bit of attention. Play fights could be a good sign...think back to the playground-when a boy liked you all they could do was tease or fight you!! But it could also be seen in a brother sister light!!


This sounds complex.....I keep contradicting myself...well I guess Im new at this. Heres another- i am quite a firm believer in the fact that drunk people usually say what they feel or let things slip but at the same time they can exaggerate. For instance 'i like you' can become 'i love you' (rather scary).


I hope I havent confused you further and been of some help!

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it kind of helped - so i should go with what he says when hes drunk but he doesn't like me enough?? Im confused. This is my first relationship as I said....


I can't really talk to him about it any more, hes explained his state of mind and me asking about it again is just stiring everything up. Does anyone else have an opinion...One thing you said is true - it is driving me alittle crazy

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