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was i to blame

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I'm feeling I have ruined my friendship with my guy friend. Thing is we were friends for over a year and I knew he was a flirt and was quite a touchy guy but he had a fiancé so knew nothing could happen. When they started having problems he started acting different with me like he saw me more than friends.


It all started off one evening with an innocent chat about what tattoos I fancied and after that just went more cheeky and suggestive like asking how many guys id been with or if I was seeing anyone which I thought at time was just him being nosy.


He just started acting different to me being more touchy with me for eg touching my bra strap and commenting on my bra or finding a reason to touch my leg, he would sit real close to me so our heads would be touching. Would say stuff like how he wouldn’t be able to behave if we went out for a drink or if I went to see him he might not be able to keep his hands to himself.


I even questioned him on how would his girlfriend you going out with another girl his reply you're not just any girl and I don't mind?! We even met up a couple of times the last time for a meal which he paid for. Nothing has ever happened though even though I wanted it to


Cut long story short he met someone else and started being distant with me so I confronted him yet he denied it all and said it was all in my head... Its been weird between us ever since even though he said were fine.

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Combo Lo Mein

To answer your question ... Yes. You probably threw him off when you confronted him. Perhaps he thought he was being sly and you busted him out. Not to say he wasn't into you and wanted to get a little closer, but he probably wanted control of the situation and you took the control when you confronted him. Just my opinion and interpretation.

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was i to blame


Yes, yes you were. And now that you're quite likely the subject of a restraining order, may I politely suggest finding a new interest? I'm thinking along the lines of gardening, self-defenestration, sewing; something along those lines.

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