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My ex-boyfriend whom I have broke up with and doesn't know it yet, really hurt me by lying on me and telling his friends I performed oral sex on him because, I was talking to my suppose to be best friend on the phone and she told him in front of all his friends I told her that I performed oral sex on him, so I got talked about by his friends while I was on the phone listening. I don't know what to do. He ask me why I said it, I told him I was joking with the girl and told her I was lying which I was but she still didn't belive me and took it upon herself to ask him. What should I do?

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dear rose


make fun of him infront of your and his friends (maybe by telling lies)


so he will never do such thing again

My ex-boyfriend whom I have broke up with and doesn't know it yet, really hurt me by lying on me and telling his friends I performed oral sex on him because, I was talking to my suppose to be best friend on the phone and she told him in front of all his friends I told her that I performed oral sex on him, so I got talked about by his friends while I was on the phone listening. I don't know what to do. He ask me why I said it, I told him I was joking with the girl and told her I was lying which I was but she still didn't belive me and took it upon herself to ask him. What should I do?
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NO, the answer is not in retaliatory humiliation.


Now, this whole story is a little confusing. From what I gather, you were joking about oral sex and then this friend started telling other people about it and your boyfriend got upset and then said it happened when it did not?


If that's the case, well then this breakup may be a good idea. The whole situation sounds like a bunch of gossip nonsense. We shouldn't ever let gossip influence our relationships. All you can say is that you didn't do it. People who don't believe you when you are serious clearly shouldn't matter. Stick with the truth and don't worry so much about what everyone else is talking about.

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