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Her Mistakes, I Get Dumped.

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For two months now I've been fighting with myself over a friendship/love that went on for five years that recently got dumped off after a small fight.


I don't think there anyway I should short hand this one. I met this person back in '05 through an MMO game, she told everyone that she was a guy named Jordon, 21 and was in college. It never dawned on me that most people who go to college aren't gone from 6am to 3pm, I never questioned it. About a year after getting to know this person in the game, she finally comes out and tells me who she really is in real life. Girl, 16 years old at the time and still in high school. It was a shock and it took me time to just let that all go through my head. I couldn't place her on blame at the time and by that time I had all ready had deeper feelings for her then just being best friends. I met her in real life and we did things together. I even invited her to say at my place a few times so that she could spend time away from her "crazy" family.


At times we got in to small fights and normally it was over the fact that she would cling to me 24/7 and that if I spoke to anyone else that was a friend of mine, she would get upset and start acting out to get attention. I would tell her nicely that she needed to stop making me the center of her world and that she had other friends also to talk to other then me. However, she kept clinging to me. I started getting blamed by her friends that I was treating her badly (at least this is what she has told me they have said to her) but that is far from the truth. The fights had gotten to points where I would lose my temper greatly and tell her that she was a failure for not listening to me. Which later, I said sorry for. We would work things out, move on and laugh together again.


Two months ago though she kept coming to me about how her mother was treating her and her sister badly and how her brother went AWOL from the army. Like a good friend I listened to her and gave her my view on it. Everyday though I was hearing about this and it was the same thing over and over and there was only so much more I could tell her. So the one day she came to me and started to cry about it again I told her I didn't want to hear about it right now and closed my IM. Suddenly there were rude remarks being made over her myspace and writings. This became a big time battle between us to the point where I told her just to go away, but I'm 100% sure she knew I didn't mean it.


About a week after that she talks to my husband and she starts saying things to him like I had threaten her and saying that I wished her father killed her or abused her, which none of that is true at all. All I said was, "You should be thanking you’re lucky stars your alive today." Because I guess and I have no clue if it true or not, her father abused her. In the end after about a two hour talk and me falling asleep on the floor she told him she would think things over.


So she get in touch with me and I told her this time we aren't going to use the net to take words out of context, it time to use the phone. And she called me, we talked for a good few hours and after that she starts to send me text messages asking if I miss her, etc. Everything finally to me seemed really connected again like it used to be.


The next day though she sends me a message over IM saying that she's fallen for this new girl. I was totally thrown off by this and even more so upset. So for a good week she kept me hanging on a rope, would it be me or this new girl? I finally cut her off saying I didn't want to be hanging and that I hope this new girl was worth dumping a 5 year friendship/love for. It turns out this girl had someone all ready, which I knew from the start but she didn't want to listen to me.


We stopped speaking again for a few weeks. Then I sent her an email later on asking her about some writing she did on my site. I come to find out; she's fallen for another girl that lives in AR. None stop I hear about how much more amazing this girl is then me and that she baby her and tells her how perfect she is and allows her to cling like 24/7 to her. It was then that I found that the love part between us was pretty much dead and gone, but I still tried to keep the friendship. However, the whole time I did she kept trying to bring me down saying that anyone else who I got together with would be in for one hell of a "ride" (meaning, pretty much ever insult in the book). I told her that she had no right to judge me since she never got to know me at all through the 5 years of our friendship, still wouldn't get to know me, and never will so she had no right to bring me down for her own mistakes. She throws a fit, placed me on block and stopped speaking to me.


From what I've been told by her once and now by another friend who sneaked on to their facebook/myspace is that her new girlfriend and her are threating me saying they are going to do something to me because I hurt her?! I don't see the justice in this at all and each day it racked my brain over and over. Yes, I've all ready met great people. People who do like me for who I am and can deal with me being openly honest and they respect me when I say I need space, but I'm still hurting over the fact that this girl has dumped me for her own mistakes of not just doing a simple thing and stop clinging to me 24/7. Everyone tell me it her loss for making such a move because I am a very loyal person until someone betray me.


How do I move on from something like this? It really taken a toll on me in areas where I can't even write at the moment (yes I'm a writer) and now I know that everyone she has told has gotten a very one sided story about what has happened.

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