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sometimes i just have to have some time to myself.

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I had to cut and paste this from her message.


We have become quite serious and are talking marriage. I was with her this week for a doctors appt. and found out that I had more free time than I thought. I told her I could drive to her her house this Saturday and she said she needed some time to herself.


I know she is not cheating and going out with anyone but I was hurt by her not wanting me to come up.

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"sometimes i just have to have some time to myself." - That would probably be two to five days each month...depending on the lady.


If you're going to be gatting married, you're going to have to learn a lot about female chemistry and hormones. There are certain times of the month when some ladies who would normally love to see you might not want to be anywhere near you. It's got nothing to do with you, it's got to do with chemistry and hormones. Either get used to it and not be so sensitive or stay by yourself forever. Oh, yeah, you might do best with a post menopausal woman...but there are no guarantees. Love 'em just like they are!!!


If she doesn't change her tune in a few days, then you might just have a good talk with her. Giver her some space in the meantime.

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I wouldn't worry too much about it. Being that I'm a woman myself, I feel I might have a little insight on the subject matter. Not that Tony's period explanation couldn't be dead on...depends on the lady, I suppose.


Anyway, it probably just comes down to a girl needing some time to do girl things (watching a good chick flick, hanging out with other women, whatever). Not to mention....have you ever browsed what my husband refers to as a "chick magazine" (not the kind with T and A, but the redbook, cosmo variety)? They are full of articles saying "take time for yourself", "relax by yourself" and "reduce stress: do something for yourself". These articles are as regular as the monthly horoscopes anymore. Some women buy into them more than others. I don't mean to imply that personal time isn't valuable, but it is thrown in our face as a cure all quite frequently.


My advice is just to let her chill on her own and do her own thing for a few days. Then talk to her again. If it becomes a regular event, then start to worry.


Take advantage of the her time, and get in a little you time. Go hang with the guys, or rent some movies she wouldn't watch in a million years.



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