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Do you think I could please women?

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Hey, I am a 21 year old virgin. I am kind of scared of having sex with someone because I have a very small penis. I am 4" long and about 1.5" wide. I wonder if I would be able to make a woman happy? What do you guys think? Thanks for looking at my thread.

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It depends on the woman you choose and how she perceives your relationship with her.Also alot of foreplay.

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any woman worth her salt will see size last, if at all.


there are 500 more legitimate things to worry about in the bedroom, things you can actually do stuff about. and don't be shy, man, and don't be scared, because those *are* things that might turn her off.

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is that the size "before" or "after"?


yes many would agree that pleasing a woman depends greatly on size.

but it also relies heavily on TECHNIQUES in bed used to please a woman also!! Never Forget that

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Thanks for all of your replies. This is the size "after." "Before" it's about half the size and maybe even smaller. I was thinking of saving sex for marriage, but I am put off by that idea because I would like to know if I can please a woman. I guess I will try some techniques and stuff and see how it goes. Thanks again.

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Here's a simple one.


Ask her what she wants...what she likes...what she doesn't like.


If you can do that, you're bigger than half of the men out there already.

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if it was me, i wouldnt go asking a girl what she does or doesnt like or wants.

if you try to make the night erotic and romantic, asking those kind of questions will just kill the moment.


in bed, girls like to be surprised, so yea...try your best to surprise her with techniques

thats IMHO, so do what you will

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if it was me, i wouldnt go asking a girl what she does or doesnt like or wants.

if you try to make the night erotic and romantic, asking those kind of questions will just kill the moment.


in bed, girls like to be surprised, so yea...try your best to surprise her with techniques

thats IMHO, so do what you will


Ryan's right - but the conversation doesn't have to be held during sex or during a romantic evening although in those situations, if you're not getting a response, it doesn't hurt to ask a quick 'is that nice?' or something to that effect.


in bed, girls like to be surprised


This very much depends on the girl and the surprise.

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Yes you can. Desire, creativity and eagerness to please go a lot farther than just the equipment. But there will probably be some women out there who can't get over it. So what, you wouldn't want them anyway.

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