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To my ex- on our anniversary (will not ever send to him)


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It was 2 years ago today that you proposed to me. As much as you were always anti-marriage, I thought you were playing a cruel joke on me. It ends up that you were playing a cruel joke on me.


My hope for you:


I hope you feel lonely in your relationship, unloved.


I hope she says that you are a loser, a ‘##### idiot’ and all sorts of damaging things…


I hope you always feel LAST in her life, I hope she puts everyone and everything before you.


I hope she ignores you.


I hope she betrays you.


I hope she treats everyone better than she treats you. I hope everyone thinks she is so nice, but you are the only one who sees what a monster she is.


I hope she puts work before your relationship.


I hope you have to walk on eggshells around her, never knowing when she would blow up at you.


I hope she screams at you, rages at you, instead to talking like a mature adult.


I hope you suggest counseling and that she tells you, “It’s YOU who have the problem, not me.”


I hope you find someone who is incapable of loving and that person makes you think there is something wrong with you.


I hope you meet someone so materialistic, wanting the fanciest and most expensive car, home, clothes, etc.


I hope she is selfish, immature, petty, controlling, critical of you, and when you ask her why she has patience for everyone else but for you she says, ‘Because I have higher expectations of you.’


I hope that you are by her side when she is sick, would get up in the middle of the night to get her anything, but when you are sick, she ignores you.


I hope you meet a woman who makes more than you, who belittles you for it, and when you get a home together and she pays more, I hope she calls it HER home, and tells you to get out of HER home whenever she gets angry.


I hope she is cold and unaffectionate to you.


I hope she yells at you when you cry. I hope she tells you that you are just trying to control her with tears, just like her mother did.


I hope you feel like every decision you make is wrong, and that you can do nothing right.


I hope she refuses to get you flowers, yells at you when it’s your birthday, telling you it’s at the wrong time of year because she is busy at work…never gets you a birthday gift, never gives you a Valentine, never gives you a Xmas gift or celebrates an anniversary…but expects you to remember her birthday, and Xmas gifts….


I hope she is messy, but yells at you when you leave a dish out. I hoe she calls you a slob, a filthy pig, and can’t stand you for it, even as she leaves her things around…


I hope you feel like you are you are going crazy, that maybe you are doing something to make her go into rages…


I hope you cry and feel hopeless, hoping never to wake up.


I hope your friends and family don’t know how you are being treated because you are too embarrassed about it…I hope you feel isolated and alone, wanting to die.


I hope you feel like you wasted years of your life miserable when you should have left a long time ago…


I don’t want revenge. If you think this is harsh, let me point it out to you that I only want someone you love to treat you exactly the way you treated me. No more, no less. That is my wish for you.

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After reading your post, I have to side with your ex. Anybody who would be so unforgiving, so mean, so spiteful, so vindictive, so angry, so irrational to make such a proclamation on the World Wide Web for 100 million people to have access to is certainly somebody most men would want to be far away from.


I pray to the heavens that you will mature, develop a more loving and understanding attitude toward others, understand that people do change their minds. Also, understand that it is FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR better for someone to break an engagement than for them to DECEIVE YOU AND LIVE A COMPLETE LIE BY MARRYING YOU WHEN THEY DON'T WANT TO!!!!


Read you post again and you'll see exactly why this guy broke the engagement!!! I wouldn't marry someone who was capable of writing something like this either.




This was just simply NOT a happening thing. I have no idea why you are angry. If someone treated my this way, I wouldn't have gone out on a second date, much less have gotted or stayed engaged to them.

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billy the kid

so if you broke it off why are you still mad.... you know if you don't forgive you will go crazy... I'm not kidding, hate will drive you to maddness...

I broke off the engagement. I'm glad I did, too.
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OH MY GOD!!! You are carrying enough excess baggage to fill a Jumbo Jet!


You said you broke up with him as that was the way he was treating you. DANG, it has been 2 years ...... PLEASE tell me you did not stay with him long before breaking up!!!


It is a great thing to vent, but DAYUM ... on the internet where hundreds of people can see how hateful you are!? I suggest next time you write it all out on paper (or in a private e-mail sent to yourself only).


Even though you are still carrying around all this hatred and ill will, I guarantee you that he has long put it behind him ...... WAYYYYYY in his past and forgotten. If he treats the next woman as rotten as he treated you, you will never know nor gain any satisfation.


Let it go! You are going to give yourself an ulcer!

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The guys who responded to your letter are clueless. They dont have to date men so they dont know what its like. Guys can act all perfect for months and then as soon as you fall for them it's like their other personality rears it's ugly head. You keep hoping they'll go back to acting the way they once did. They tell you they love you and want to change for you and they never do. Until finally you get worn out from trying so hard to make it work. I understand your need to get it all off your chest and I dont think you were wrong to do it this way. I am glad you broke off the engagement and I wish you the best of luck in finding happiness with someone who deserves you. I hope other guys will read your letter and see the pain that they are capable of causing.

OH MY GOD!!! You are carrying enough excess baggage to fill a Jumbo Jet! You said you broke up with him as that was the way he was treating you. DANG, it has been 2 years ...... PLEASE tell me you did not stay with him long before breaking up!!! It is a great thing to vent, but DAYUM ... on the internet where hundreds of people can see how hateful you are!? I suggest next time you write it all out on paper (or in a private e-mail sent to yourself only). Even though you are still carrying around all this hatred and ill will, I guarantee you that he has long put it behind him ...... WAYYYYYY in his past and forgotten. If he treats the next woman as rotten as he treated you, you will never know nor gain any satisfation. Let it go! You are going to give yourself an ulcer!
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Thank you!

The guys who responded to your letter are clueless. They dont have to date men so they dont know what its like. Guys can act all perfect for months and then as soon as you fall for them it's like their other personality rears it's ugly head. You keep hoping they'll go back to acting the way they once did. They tell you they love you and want to change for you and they never do. Until finally you get worn out from trying so hard to make it work. I understand your need to get it all off your chest and I dont think you were wrong to do it this way. I am glad you broke off the engagement and I wish you the best of luck in finding happiness with someone who deserves you. I hope other guys will read your letter and see the pain that they are capable of causing.


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