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Don't hate me for avoiding you...... (a letter that will never be sent)

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Hey LS friends :),


Long time lurker here, I often just come here when I am down and read the posts. Don't post that often myself. Just looking for a place to post this, no comments needed, but if you do feel the need to comment, please be kind :bunny:, I'm feeling a bit fragile right now......




I thought you knew how I feel about you, and that after my confession months ago, we came to the unspoken understanding that things were better as just friends.


Sometimes, choosing to be platonic friends means one chooses logic over emotion. The feelings are not gone, just that we have allowed the brain to be in charge.


No, I don't want to hear about your date with the 'hot' guy you met.


No, I don't want to hear about how you are looking forward to your next date.


No, I DON'T want to hear about your first kiss.


Now I know what Gordon Lightfoot meant when he wrote "I will never be set free, as long as I'm a ghost that you can't see...."


I am happy for you. As I told you so many times before, when you poured your heart out to me late at night, I just want you to be happy, but to hear about it now, is a knife to my heart.


And a little piece of me dies, each time.


So, please don't hate me for avoiding you. I just feel like I don't have anything left to offer you. He will be taking up most of your time now, and no couple likes a third wheel.


It's time for me to fade into the background.


Farewell for now, dear mouse, It may sound funny, but in some odd way, I truly hope he is the "one" for you.


Perhaps we will meet again, in another life.......


In a perfect world.........

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There is a saying... "losing the love of your life is the greatest freedom you can know", and in a case like this you'll surely know what I mean when you are completely free from her physically, emotionally, and mentally.

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This is exactly how I'm feeling and what I'm going through now. It's a little consolation knowing that I'm not alone out there. It hurts when I have to sit and listen to him talk about their upcoming wedding. Plans to immediately try for a baby. And live happily ever after...

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I could have written this very letter myself right now.


I feel like crying. The hardest kind of unrequited love is when the other person does want you but not in the same way, and you have no choice but to go.

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Thanks everyone.


It's so wierd, I just came back here again because I talked to her today.


We work indirectly (met through work, but do not work for the same company) so I have to have some communication with her, but till now it has all been short, polite and professional.


I guess I screwed up, because she emailed me about a business concern that affected her directly, for which I am responsible for, and I responded a bit more personally than I should have, then needed to follow up with a phone call.


So today, I got to hear a five second synopsis of about how after they spent a weekend having sex, the guy is suddenly avoiding her because he does not *want* a committment.


Oddly enough, she then said that she didn't want to upset me but "needed advice" I told her it didn't upset me (LIE! LIE! LIE!) but that I didn't want to hear about it, and that 'I knew and she knew that he just wanted to f*ck her' then terminated the conversation.


Ugh......why are some women so whack? :sick:

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The hardest kind of unrequited love is when the other person does want you but not in the same way, and you have no choice but to go.


I so feel for you MagicRat, now imagine that part of the way she wants you is so that she can get your advice on the men that she is sleeping with.



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I started crying while reading this... I really did.

I know what you are going through... Your situation is probably even harder... Just send her the letter..

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