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is this true?

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hi im new to this website,i typed in a question and this site popped up with many others. i have a question, ive been with the same guy for 14 years, we are highschool sweethearts. lately sex has gone downhill, we have sex every other week, for the past few months either he doesn't cum, or he goes limp during sex. He says he masturbates too much and thats why, is that true? can that really effect performance?

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Alot of factors in play.

1. Age. As men age, their testosterone level decreases. One of the side effects is loss of libedo and ED.

2. The porn factor. If he is masterbating to porn, after awhile he may become "used" to this and this fantasy becomes the only thing that "excites him".


To fix number 1, he should see his doctor and have a blood test. Hormone therapy works wonders, trust me.


To fix number 2, you should talk about spicing up you love making activities. Things that excite both of you. Fetishes, roll playing, etc. Or, if he has an addiction to masterbation and porn, counseling may be in order.

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you need to watch him really well to know if it`s true,all he says ;)


But seriously

there are indeed many factors that have an influence on a man`s (and a woman`s) libido in the particular relationship .

All that may be advised to you is just trying to change the love style a bit . Changes,New style have always the best feedback. They excite more . Try this . This may work indeed well .



Best of luck to you !

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He says he masturbates too much and thats why, is that true? can that really effect performance?


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