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....coming on too strong???


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[FONT=Calibri][sIZE=3]4 months ago I reunited with a girl on facebook that once apon a time i went to primary school with. Formally very good friends with my sister. A little history there, her parents also friends with my parents. We soon began chatting everyday just about on facebook and about 1 month later we exchanged phone numbers and soon began chatting to each other almost everyday by phone, really getting along quite well. Picking up on a few vibes it soon became quite obvious that we both seemed to have some attraction to each other.[/sIZE][/FONT]

[sIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]We now live in different states. About 7 weeks ago she invited me down to visit her, and just that I did. Despite being quite nervous about the whole idea having not seen each other in over 20yrs it turned out to be a great weekend. After returning home the daily phone calls continued and we had soon planned to spend another weekend together. I have now travelled down to see her 3 times, and she had planned to come up here for 5 days next month. [/FONT][/sIZE]

[FONT=Calibri][sIZE=3]After the second trip down to see her I have been getting mixed messages about where we may be headed. Very up and down, I having trouble understanding what she is thinking about the entire thing.... In particular the last weekend(3rd visit) I went down to see her she seemed unusually quiet, and it made me feel a little awkward. Also one min very affectionate the next mind quite cold in comparison. When she dropped me off to the airport last weekend I quizzed her as to why she was so quiet. She mentioned she was stressed out. I know this could be right as she had a massive falling out with a work colleage a few days before I come down to visit. She was also freaking out about her enormous workload at work. Anyway after returning home last trip I as barely on the ground and she was already phoning me up to make sure I had a safe trip home...but since then I have barely had a decent conversation with her.[/sIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Calibri][sIZE=3]Whether the long distance relationship thing is a problem I am not too sure. Before the last visit to see her everything seemed good, we were both super excited to see each other again. She had planned to book the flights to see me whilst I was down there, but she has still not booked....which is not good as it already heavily booked due to it being a long weekend. She then said she would book to come to come up the next day, also heavily booked. 6 days later no mention of booking her trip. Her best friend is also up on holidays at same time. I had planned to take some time off work so we could spend time together...last we spoke suddenly she was telling me not to make a big deal of taking time off as she could hang out with her friend. It pissed me off a little, I thought her intentions were to spend some time with me. Considering they live down the road from each other and see each other all time. Dont get me wrong I have no problem with her spending time with her friends.[/sIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Calibri][sIZE=3]The phone calls now seem to be quite short while in the past we would talk probably an hr a day. I seem to get the feeling that maybe she is not that interested anymore. Weeks ago there would always be a Good night msg...or hey how u going, hows work today....simple txt messages like that that bf/gf send to each other. After returning from my first 2 trips down there as soon as I get back home she is already telling me how much she misses my company...none of that anymore. We still talk and send each other the occasional msg, but its at a different level to what it was.[/sIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Calibri][sIZE=3]In the past I have ruined a few potential relationships, by hitting it off too strong, and this time round i was very conscious of that...thinking I was taking it nice and easy. But I kind of feel that maybe going down there for the 3rd time weekend just gone was too much. (she was as keen for it as me) But yeah now I seem to get the feeling that it all maybe coming to an end...and now she doesn’t mention anything about coming up to see me next month....I am confused, and I don’t want to quiz her about it as I do not want to scare her off... I am hoping I that I haven’t done that already. Its not like she is not talking at all anymore but it seems to be different to where is was. I just would have though after 4 months we would have some direction as to what our destiny might be.... I am not sure what to do now....[/sIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Calibri][sIZE=3]I like the girl, and feel I have a lot in common with her. We have got on like a house on fire in the past....I am now starting to wonder whether there might be someone else in the picture. How should I approach the situation....comments please[/sIZE][/FONT]

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