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My best friend opposes to my relationship with a guy!


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Okay i have a problem. I have been friends-just friends-with a guy (let's call him Adam) for over a year. I have also been best friends with a girl (let's call her Jessi) for about 4 years. I think that my friendship with this guy may turn into something more in the near future. The only problem is that my friend Jessi hates Adam with a passion. She won't give me any solid reasons, but she has made it quite clear that she will hate me if I ever date him. He's in marching band and is not very popular, so she thinks he's not good enough for me. I think he's one of the best guys I've ever known, and I would love to get to be his girlfriend. He has already told me that his feelings for me are more than friendly, but I have told him that I'm not quite sure if I want to jeapordize our wonderful friendship. I know that you're not supposed to care what other people think, but should I let what my best friend thinks ruin a possible relationship? Please help me, I want to make everyone happy, and I'm not sure if that can be done.

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You should not let your friend force you not to do something you might want to do.

If she can't respect that you want to be with this guy ,then maybe she not a friend at all.

Is she scared or something???

Theres no reason for her to tell you that she'll hate you if you go with this guy,you need to seriously look at this friendship from your own perspective and decide if you are going to let this person run you dating life.

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He's in marching band and is not very popular, so she thinks he's not good enough for me


It sounds like your friend is a terrible judge of people. Quite often 'unpopular' people are excellent humans and turn out to be the 'best people you've ever known'. The qualities that make those sorts of people great people aren't necessarily the ones that guarantee 'popularity', particularly when you're in school. Ignore your friend. I'm with Vash - sounds like she's not much of a friend at all.

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[font=arial][/font][color=darkblue][/color]Thanks for your help. I don't think she's a bad friend or anything, I think she may just be scared that I won't have any time left for her, which is not true. The guy I'm thinking about starting my relationship with is my other best friend. Do you know if best friend relationships work better than relationships where you don't know the other person that well? How can I tell if my feelings for him are more than friednly?

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If she is truly your friend, she will accept your decisions and choices. You should never have to base your life on someone else's opinions. If you like this guy, and you want to move forward with things, you should definitely do so. Perhaps your friend will grow to like him and will see the wonderful things that you see. And, if not, do you really want to be friends with someone who will hold you hostage, determining every move you make? Friends and family support eachother, through everything.


Good luck,


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