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Glass slippers and such


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I was just wondering, do others have a sort of "glass slipper" when looking for a potential mate, something that can make or break the deal? Any kind of idiosyncrasies or traits that makes them more attractive than if they didn't have said trait? For me, I have this one really stupid joke, and if they laugh at it, I'm hooked.

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I have to admit that at least one person had also been fond of the 'Horton Hears a Who' theory of the universe and that may well have been the tide-turner for me :D

More seriously, if someone says he thinks there is still much to learn in life and about life, I am very interested. People who think they know it all, no matter what their age, are boring. I plan to learn and explore 'till they close the lid on the box and I want to have someone who I can share that with.

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If they don't love animals and are not a dog person they are OUT! That is the first thing I always asked. I went out with a guy once and we had a great time, everything clicked. Then when we were talking he said he had a dog when he was a kid - a big dumb mutt that stayed in the back yard because he kept jumping out of the back of his pickup. I told him my feelings about dogs and said I felt sorry for him that he is missing so much, thanked him for the evening and never saw him again.


My next deal breaker is drinking. A casual drink once in a while is okay, but I didn't want to take a chance with someone who got drunk regularly or might be an alcoholic.


Illegal drugs -- bye bye!


Pornography - bye bye!

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