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Sings point to YES or NO?


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hey ppl,


Jus curious, in one of my classes at school, theres this girl she's pretty attractive and i guess i could say that i'm sort of interested in her. She's usually sitting alone... once or twice her friend has sat with her... but not on a regular basis. I sit a few seats in front of her... so sometimes i kinda glace back (theres a clock at the back of the room lucky me :p ) and when i do... sometimes i see her glance at me... and once i was walking to my seat at the start of class and i think outta the corner of my eye i saw her looking at me.


So my question is... does she hae some sort of interest in me? Or is her glancing at me just a reaction to new stimulus (me turning around... walking into the room)?


Oh yea... once, we both came outa the class and i we were kinda staring at each other....i smiled and waved at her ... but either she didn't think i was waving to her.. or she just ignored it... dunno.. but she walked away making me feel like an ass... :o

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I can say this...I do NOT have a definate answer to this question..the only option YOU have is to find out. It may sound like the WORST idea in the world, but this isn't the movies..she isn't the cheerleader who is gonna laugh in your face. Slide a note in her locker (I am assuming this is HS...if not, then leave it somewhere only SHE would get it) and tell have taken a liking to her and would like to ask her out. The worst she can say is no.....but t least you know the answer and you tried.


If I had to say based on what you told me how she felt, it would be almost impossible...I don't know this girl and how she normally acts..maybe she DIDN'T think you were waving at her..especially if she is shy. Next time make it KNOWN you are talking to her..go up and say hi...if you are really brave, say "Hey, I don't have any plans on Saturday..you think you might wanna go to a movie or somthing?" JUST BE BRAVE!! Good luck!

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from what you said i think she's just spotting you cause your handsome, cute or something


There are lots of time girls check me out and times when i check out girls cause theyre cute...but thats pretty much it...physical attraction.


Usually if i had an interest in talkin to someone i wouldnt look at them too much.


it's hard to say since you two dont really have much interaction for you to tell us anything, so if you have any other signals from her, let us know and then we may be able to elaborate

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