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As of late, I been feeling bored. With my life. That I haven't done anything with it. I have no car, no girl, only one friend(Best friend who also feel what I feel) other friends live miles away. Other friend is in the Navy.(And his cuz is going into the marines) And I'm working at a burger place.

Why do I feel like I must join the Navy? Or somthing in that branch? Perhaps I want to traval the world. See what else is out there.


I just really feel like I wanna do something with my life. And my friend feels the same way. He calls it "Passe's fancy" Have that one feeling on week and its gone. I asked our friend how hard is it. He said its hard, lots of work. But after bootcamp its all good. My problems are.

I'm big, trying to lose weight.(Not fit to go to the Navy) Not smart enough, and finaley he told me when first in bootcamp. They make you take a drug test. Which he says if you dont do it right. They yell at you.(And they also watch you take it) Which I have a problem with guys watching me do my stuff. And if I dont...they yell...loud. I just want some opinons on what I should do.

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