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How can I move on?

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I and this guy (named M) have been friend for over a year. Although we mean close friends to each other, I know I did care about him more than friends and I've already plucked up the courage to text him and tell him that. Then he texted me back in surprise (I've kept that in my heart for over a year and never dared to tell him, so he always assumed in his mind we are always best friends) "Sorry, I"ll most likely end up hurting you a lot more if we become anything more than friends". After his words, I've finally realized I need to move on. I accept dating another guy who likes me so much and our relationship is getting better. He introduces me to his parents and everyone else as his girlfriend. I thought I've already forgotten M. However, one night, he's suddenly online. After chatting for almost 2 hours, we accept to see each other again just to have fun as old friends meet again. But that meeting rekindled the passion in my heart. Being with him was just so wonderful and I felt as if I never wanted to leave. After comming back home (we barely contact each other, just random occasions, so its kinda hard to meet each other again), I just feel like I still love him and want to be with him, that he is the only one for me. However, he's already told me 2 times he just likes me as a friend. And I've already had a faithful bf by my side. I'm really confused now. Plz help

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sounds like both might not be right for you. You should have the loving feelings about your bf but you're not. you also need to accept that when guy #1 says he just wants to be friends, a romantic relationship is not in your future with this guy.


Personally, I wouldn't be so quick to throw out a bf that treats me so well if I liked him. I would probably give it time to see if my feelings for him grew.

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Actually, I think I did have some feelings for guy # 2 (my bf now). In 3 months when we were together, I rarely thought about guy # 1. So I assume that my feelings for guy # 2 are growing, thats why I accept to be his gf. Now things become more serious. After 4 months together, now he told me he loved me and he meaned it. Things are just so great until that night when guy # 1 suddenly onl and rekindled my passion. Is it just a moment of fascination since we haven't been together for so long (we were really close friend in high school)?

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Actually, I think I did have some feelings for guy # 2 (my bf now). In 3 months when we were together, I rarely thought about guy # 1. So I assume that my feelings for guy # 2 are growing, thats why I accept to be his gf. Now things become more serious. After 4 months together, now he told me he loved me and he meaned it. Things are just so great until that night when guy # 1 suddenly onl and rekindled my passion. Is it just a moment of fascination since we haven't been together for so long (we were really close friend in high school)?


If guy that you are not with tells you that he would hurt you if you were more that friends....BELIEVE HIM. He aint going to give you want you want and you are going to be disappointed. Clear your mind and let it go

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