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He doesn't want kids, I do, what am i to do?


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My boyfriend says he wants to marry me someday. The problem is I want children and he doesn't know if he wants them.(he says probably not)


Is there a way to change his mind? Is there something I am missing or what?


He doesn't care to be around kids, is he scared of them or something?


I know we are still young, but I want to plan ahead. I need to know what is going on in his head? :p

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Unfortunately, the last call for LS psychics yielded no replies. It appears you may actually have to ask him what he thinks.

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lol exactly how young? still in HS?


the problem with HS guys is that there are times where they are not on the same maturity level as the female. They dont think about the future, but only what is now. since you guys are still young, i recommend just enjoying your time. dont worry too much about the future, you'll have plenty of time in the future to worry. enjoy being together enjoy eveyrthing that is now

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