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My boyfriend's brother is cheating on my roomate!! Who's side do I take?

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I have a huge dillema. I'm going to use names so that i don't sound so confusing. My boyfriend's name is Christian and his older brother''s name is Matthew. Matthew's girlfriend is named Diana. Well, here goes. Matthew is cheating on Diana. I only know this because Christian has told me. Diana is also now my roomate and doesn't know that Matthew is cheating on her. The four of us are really close and now Christian doesn't want me to tell Diana about Matthew cheating b/c it will rat him out. He also told me that Matthew doesn't plan on telling Diana b/c he's planning on breaking up with her. Well, a few days ago, he only told Diana that he wanted a break for a week and now that he wants to go back to just "dating." Diana thinks that everything is just fine and is always so happy to hear from him.


This is driving me crazy. I want to just scream at Matthew for what he's doing. I also don't want to be the cause of a fight between my boyfriend and his brother, but I feel that Diana has a right to know. My boyfriend hates lying to Diana too, but he's more loyal to his brother. What in the world shoudl I do? Please help me, I'm losing my mind over this and it's starting to cause fights between my boyfriend and I.

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In you situation I would not say anything,he told you in confidence that you would not tell.Its very hard seeing this happen to your friend but you have to let her find out for her self,because now it been a while and she'll turn on you and blame you for not telling her right away.

She has to see it,hear it for her self.

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I would not say anything. He will screw up on his own. He cannot keep this double life.



If you say something no matter how difficult it is then your boyfriend will not trust you with anything.

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Stay out of it. Its between the two people in the relationship. The only justification I could possibly see for you to get involved is if you have proof, or seen with your own eyes, the guy having unprotected sex with someone else and then having unprotected sex with your friend/roommate. Then its more than gossip or loyaltybut you are saying something to possibly protect her life.

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i think it would depend on how much your friend means to you- have you been best friends with her for a loing time? how long have you known your man?

im not sure what i would do. if it was my best friend, i would make an agreement with my man and his brother that something has to come of this. its not right for me to sit there and not protect my best friend. but i would get the brother to say something, but then again i have no idea!! lol

i would run away!

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