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Im the ex being harrassed by the girlfriend.... help me to understand..?!

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Wow! You must be the cat hair queen with three running around and most likely running your household! Lol.


I always thought they said Smoochie Boochies.


It's a cute name at any rate!

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lol actually im a clean freak.... and have a very good vacuum.... as far as them running the house.... sometimes they do.... ive always been one of those people who, if a cat or a dog are laying where you want to sit and looking all peaceful, dont disturb them.... call me quirky i guess.... sometimes it can be quite frustrating when i come home and theyve detroyed the house.... but ah the price to pay with 3 cats.... lol

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I can only imagine life with three cats! I think I would go crazy after that!


So you're a clean freak? Well if that's the only kind of freak that you are, then hey that's not too bad :)


I'm a messy person myself. I pick up the house every now and then. And the then part doesn't happen too often. But I don't live in a garbage dump either! Lol.


Do you have any other pictures of your other cats? Or anything else I can look at while I am bored?

And I don't mean that in a bad way! Lol. And I don't mean it in a hey baby show me what ya got way either. Lol.

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well i do... however theyre not posted yet on my homepage (which is listed in my profile on here)... soon tho its a work in progress....

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Well after thinking about my post, I do have to admit after all that has happened to you, that I can certainly why you wouldn't want to openly post where your pictures are. If and when you can trust for that location, I would be glad to have it, but I do understand the secrecy.


So sorry if that was a stupid thing to ask!


Hopefully she's not on peeking over our shoulders waiting for an answer! Lol.

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however theyre not posted yet on my homepage (which is listed in my profile on here)...


the homepage i have listed in my profile on here is no big deal to check out (theres just no pics yet of all my cats on there), im not worried about whether shes seen that one, shes already visited it im sure quite a few times. i do have another site tho that is just for family and close friends... for obvious reasons.... lol


Hopefully she's not on peeking over our shoulders waiting for an answer! Lol.


hopefully not.

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Well good for you keeping something private so she can't invade that too!

Maybe one day you will let me see it!


For the here and now I am going to get back to work and will talk with you later.


I'm craving pecan pie right now because of the holidays and I might run down to the store and grab one.


Good luck to you and have a wonderful day!

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GAWD....can you just IMAGINE having nothing better to do with your life than "cyber stalking' someone????


It's really a shame you had/have to go thru all of this because of one pathetic psycho.

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