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Does She Like Me?

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Hey everyone,


As my name suggests, I am in college. I am a Junior and 20 years old, and although I am on summer break right now, I have a question.


There is this girl I see around campus. Same age, same year. Every single time we run into each other, she has a big smile and and a hello for me. Every single time.


We have never spoken other than that. We have talked a bit on facebook (we asked each other which apartment each of us is living in next year), but again, no conversation.


Is the big smile and hello her being polite, or is she interested? Is it just a matter of me asking her out, or am I misreading her, and will asking her out lead to embarressment?


I guess its very broad, and I dont have much info, but I guess my question comes down to "Why would a girl smile and say hello to a guy she doesnt know, every single time she sees him, especially when she is much prettier than the guy?" :D )

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She probably is a little interested in you.

I think you should at least ask her out to lunch or something. Doesn't have to be like a "date date"

Maybe something more on the casual side and see where it takes you.

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Is the big smile and hello her being polite, or is she interested?


Could be either. Does she do that with everyone?

Is it just a matter of me asking her out, or am I misreading her, and will asking her out lead to embarressment?


At some point, you have to take a risk. Be sure the risk is based on how you feel, rather than the mere fact that an attractive woman noticed you briefly. Think about that. Her smile took mere seconds to form, yet mesmerizes you.


So, form a few words which invite her to invest a bit more of her time and interest. It only takes a few seconds :)

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A BIG smile ?? Move in for the kiss soon ! Dont let her friendzone you...If she does , you wont be getting a kiss later or much else...:bunny:

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Yeah, thats what I was wondering, how do I avoid the friendzone? Im really bad at that.


The WAY you avoid FZ is to always go for romance. Don't putter around and try to be her buddy. Deathblow to future romantic encounters...

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Since your friends on facebook, why not just message her one day, something like, How are you doing today, I wondered if you would like to get coffee sometime. But don't add your phone # and leave it at that....because if she's very shy the phone # would make her feel pressured to call ya. Give it at least a couple days or more for her to respond, and keep smiling when you see her....even if she never responds. But I think she will, eventually. It sounds like she is a little less shy on facebook than in person, so I think that's the way to start with. Then after a short meet that goes well, ask, "can I call you sometime?". If you get the digits, don't use them for a couple of days...then if you see her just say hello and smile...by then she should feel more at ease with interaction...when or if this becomes apparent, call her...make small chat...if she happily participates, ask her out to a movie....and go from there.


Good luck.

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