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Hello since a few days I am feeling really scared.

Well let me explain a bit...my boyfried said that he has internet problems and due to the fact can't write e-mails at the moment.


He is still texting me to say he loves me and that he misses me but otherwise he is not writing much by text.


I don't know why but currently I am not really believing the story with the internet. Well in a way I have no reason not to believe it but my last relationship ended with my ex being unfaithful for more than a year before I found out, so I do find it sometimes difficult to believe in men.


It is a horrible situation because I don't want to mistrust my boyfriend but I am just scared that something what did happen to me in the past might happen again. I am usually really trusting and since we have been going out I always trusted him 100% so I dont know what is happening to me


I haven't told my boyfriend how I have been feeling because I don't want to come accross as needy but I don't know how I can stop my feelings before they ruin our relationship.


Do you have any advide what I could do (apart from slapping myself in the face? )

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I really don't know -- I wish I did. What I do know is that there's never any way for you to MAKE sure that someone is telling the truth, not even when you're staying in the same house, unless you virtually chain them to your side 24/7 and only sleep when they do. Exaggerated example but I hope you know what I'm getting at, lol.


Basically, to have any sort of relationship at all, you have no CHOICE but to believe. Watch out for and remember red flags, yes, but if you've chosen this man to be your SO, he must have some great things going for him, so it's not a bad idea to follow the adage 'innocent until proven guilty'. So don't drive yourself crazy with wondering about whether or not you can believe him about this. Because once you go down that road, it's a whole dark abyss of emotional rollercoastering and uncertainty.


It isn't he who lied to you -- it's your ex who did. As hard as it seems, you must try to separate the two.

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