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Is he crazy or am I

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Ok, I have worked my job ( quit in Dec 2008 ) since 2005 so the guy i cheated with (i am married) the guy isnt. So the guy i am ivolved with has been my good friend since2005. Ok he always flirted with me but ya know i worked where nothing but truckers came thru every day. I never was anything but a friend until April 2009,i saw him one day we talked he starting calling me we were talking sex on the phone so last night was the big night, finnally we were together. It was awesome everything i wanted a lover to be but he hasnt called me today but keep in mind really he always says ill call u and 2 days later he will ya know, and he will call me tomorrow, really and truly that is just "him". But I kinda have the feeling that he is one of those that maybe has been hurt in the past wont get to close and want let me get to close, and i think thats why he will not call sometimes or text. I have fussed him out for it ignored his calls all day for it and when i did answer he apoligized really good said he would start text back every time not just when he felt like it and calling to. This is a very decent guy we are talking about to, no scum bum or anything. So who thinks he is just useing me who thinks he is scared, not to mention i am married, but lovers can be close and care and even love each other. I am really confused Help with advise if u can thank u. I am new here glad i found yall



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Dexter Morgan

you are cheating on your husband with a scumbag that doesn't care he is screwing a married woman.


why do you think we care about helping you out with your sex on the side buddy?


can't speak for everyone here, but I think a majority in this forum have no interest in helping you sort out your feelings with your opening of the thighs for another man and wondering if he cares about you.


we don't care if he cares about you. A majority here sympathize with your husband. And you don't even mention a damn thing about being remorseful about cheating on your husband, and thats ok, because we know you aren't.


So, having said all that, when will you be divorcing your husband and setting him free from the likes of you?

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Ummmm....the answer to your question? Yes!


I'm thinking you're a troll (somebody who comes to these forums & makes up a story just to get attention). BUT, if you're not, you are seriously disturbed. As Dex pointed out, you show absolutely no remorse for the affair or for your betrayal of your husband.


I'm not sure what advice, if any, you really expect to get from this forum. A lot of us have been the betrayed spouse (BS) and aren't likely to be the most receptive to your situation.


My suggestion? Grow up, divorce your husband, get your head screwed on right and try to figure out how to have respect for yourself and others.


Paint me purple & call me disgusted! :sick::mad:

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I think you should go on the Jerry Springer show with H and OM and sort things out there...later, when you're preggers, you can go on Maury to find out who the father is. Good Luck

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I think you should go on the Jerry Springer show with H and OM and sort things out there...later, when you're preggers, you can go on Maury to find out who the father is. Good Luck


Jerr-eee, jerr-eee, jerr-eee:D

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