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What do you women think

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Let's suppose that you knew a man and you think you want to know him....so you even approached him first....and when you were together you knew that you like him because you have something in common....and you thought he knew what was in your mind....


But you were not sure whether he felt the same way about you or not cos he never told.... and you afraid of being embarrased if he didn't feel the same way so you've just walked away.....


Since you are a beautiful and attractive girl....then...not so long before another man came to your life and you feel you like him so you've been started seeing him and dating him for...let's say....2 weeks...


Then one day....the first man come to see you and tell you that he likes you....and he doesn't want your answer or anything in return...just wanna tell you how he feel....


The question is will you talk to him again? or even give him a chance?....or you will just don't wanna take it anymore and try to end your relationship with him and push him away from your life?....

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you'll just have to wait & see. it may go either way, but let her take her time, and don't hold your breath on it.


good luck,


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I dunno, I would have wondered why you didn't tell me before, when we were seeing each other, or maybe that you didn't like me that much, until you saw me with someone else.....


I dunno...all girls are different though so she maybe completely thinking something else, just tell her exactly how you feel, i know that I would be sympathetic and give a chance to any guy who pours his heart out to me!

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If it's worth it to u, u gotta do... U gotta tell her...


Nothin worse than looking back and regret not having said what u wished u had... Could change everything...





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First of all, unless you've been with someone for a good 5 years or more, you're not at the point of knowing what's on that person's mind. Even those that have been together for 5 years or more still surprise each other...just when they thought they knew the person, BAM! You learn something new. The point is, you didn't know what she was thinking, and she couldn't have possibly known all that you were thinking no matter how well you've connected. If you want someone, let them know VERBALLY, and don't be afraid of rejection or embarrassment. Those things are apart of life, and they are going to happen whether we want them to or not. It's only fair we truly admit to ourselves that we are human and we do err and make mistakes, get rejected and feel embarrassed. The bright side of it? If she rejects you, it wasn't meant to be in the first place, so you would have shed off wasted time on someone that you could have spend on someone who truly wants you.

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