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I got to know this guy bout 6 mths back. He's new in town kinda posted to work here. We dated more than 10 times within 2 mths plus. Movies, dinners, watching dvd at his place even staying over(kinda unintentionally...we just talked all the way till morning). During that stay over he seems closer and taking my hand for a bit and stroking my hair and stuff thou nothig further than that happened. That was when i gave him a quick peck on the lips before i went home and his reaction was saying "wooow" and then he grab my face and kiss my lips and twice. Eversince then we finished each meet up with a peck on the lips.


Recently he was away for bout 2 mths on biz trip and vacation and just came back. All along when he was away, he sent messages to me every where he was in the world. Just tot ell me where he was and whats there and stuff. Which i find is cool sometimes unexpected.


He returned few weeks ago and we met for movies and dinner.


I do not know if the relationship between this guy and me are just friends or wonder if he has got more interest than that. I find him a respectful person as to being rather modest.


I stayed over at his place recently juist to getaway from chaos at home...and something happened. I didnt expect that but well we got into heavy pettings. It started with him stroking me gently like a mom stroking her baby's hair/head to sleep... then he lip smack me goodnite but it didnt stop...it went on and on and well on....

He stopped but hugged me to sleep. our fingers interlocked. I did whispered that i didnt expect this to happen and he said neither did he. I was wearing pyjamas and he was at first in undies only but then naked. He requested i sleep naked but i decided to still have my undies on.



In the morning, he woke up and hugged me again... He kissed me and it goes on french kissing. He seems loving, kissing my eyelids, my nose, he kiss my hand and brush it against his lips and putting a finger in his mouth. He stroke my hair and arms. The it goes on. I did BJ on him. He did almost put his hand in my undies but i covered myself a lil and he stopped but he was so gentle and seems so loving. He had orgasm(bj), wash up and went back to bed to give me a warm hug before i went shower.


I left after breakfast.

Over the weekend i didnt contact him at all...and that was normal i figured. But just when i checked my email on monday morn, He emailed me saying that he was feeling strange and confused over what happened. He never thought that shd happen althou he enjoyed it. He said that he think both of us see this as a one time thing and that we shd still be just friends in future. Nothing will change. He was also looking forward to a movie some evening with me.


I am confused. I wonder if he has feelings for me at all. But at least the frenship is still there thou i know its gonna be awkward a bit. I replied saying I was also confuse and i thank him for assuring that our friendhsip isnt affected.



Like i mentioned i do have interest in him but...now its either he took advantage of me or he did have feelings but worried i may freak out so he beat me to writing such email first.


what do you think?

1)would a guy who is just horny but no interest bouot girl be stroking and touching her like he did?

2) He didnt freak out and still wants to see me as a friend. I know its rare for guys to do that.

So could this be not just one time thing?

3) do you think i have a chance to be with him?






p/s: sorry fo the long story...

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I think that he was unsure of your feeling about the night as well and I maybe wrote that in order to guard him self of any disappointment.


About you being taken advantage of....I don't see how when it was something you "both" willingly did.


If I was you I would talk with him in more detail about it, he may just be scared that you don't think of him as more than a freind. You guys seem to have a pretty good friendship going so this should not be something that you cannot openly talk about.

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Hi Thanks!,


I do hope that is true that he do not want to be disaapointed. But it could be possible he just did not know what he was doing perhaps male hormones adn as for me kinda felt emotionally so called cheated.

We are still friends and meeting up soon will see how things goes.

I am sure he wasnt sure of my feelings definitely.

So will just see how things goes.


Only i really wanna know if he totally has got no feelings for me or he did?



Thanks again....

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Any guys with view on this?

I have talked to some frens and they all give diffrent views. Alot of it negative.

I got over feeling all emotional hoping we are more than frens. But just as i chuck my heart away,

he message me yesterday just to ask how was i and telling me what his plans are for the day which i already knew. Seems silly and weird since he never did some message without reason thingie like that.

Thus making me think of him again...


Anyways i am just concerned and I just do not want to end up being a f*** buddy.

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