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I don't feel anything anymore.


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I used to complain about not getting attention or what i needed.



Now, for some reason, I am getting checked out and hit on by lots of girls and a few guys. Yeah, I'm straight. This attention is unwanted. I don't wish for a relationship with anyone. I used to think I did. Badly.

Now, I can't stop dreaming about someone. I see me and a girl. A rugged outdoors type. maybe canadian. we are running under the rain and just laughing. I feel free. I have never seen this person outside my dream. I keep on meeting people i don't like. Out of boredom, I asked girls their numbers.


In one week i got 12. It's become a game i play with my buddies. This week i got 5. And i dont want to call anyone. I dont feel any sexual longing.


I only feel okay around a certain unorthodox, angry, stoic girl. My friend that i once mentioned. But it's not sexual or romantic. I hate Boston and all the men and women who live there.

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Why? Don't jump the gun.


You're just in a funk. Everyone gets them. Nothing matters, no drive in life, it happens. It's not a warning sign for anything.


Not YET anyway.

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yes...please go seek some help wolverine, you've posted several similar situations on this forum.. and i dont think you're considering any of the advice that we give you here, seek advice in people that you trust

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