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Nasty run-in with a fruitcake leads to interesting girl.


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This just in.


I am walking out of the school library. I see a nasty guy who is weird and fruity and likes to hassle me. I walk away, very upset. I go buy chocolate to calm down.

Returning to school, I see a girl. She is cute and talks to some friends of mine.


she's always looking at me. I am upset so my usual shyness is replaced by the residue of some anger. I talk to her and introduce myself. I learn of her major and stuff. she is undecided. She is straightforward when talking and has a strong grip for a slender girl. I compliment her on her strong grip.

We walk to class together before i remember that the daylight savings time changed and i am way early. We talk about my upsetting encounter and she thought i would have gotten into a fight but handled it all well.


This girl seems interesting. Not at all what i would have thought when i first saw her.


I honestly would like to know more about her. How do i go about doing that ?

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Maybe I was a bit rash. I was just wondering.


I met a girl yesterday. An Entertainment major. I like computer & internet management. She is the one i met after running into the fruit who scared me so much. I j\have joined a writing group and she surprisingly part of it.


I'd like to get to know her. I am known to jump to conclusions and to watch people's gestures and assume too much. I dont want her to see my bad side.

Oh, and we ate together at Wendy's. And I helped her with her HTML today at 11 : 45 AM.


As usual, i am at a loss as to what to do or say. I wouldn't want to screw up. yes, i have pride and confidence. No, i aint moving too fast. Yes, i will get to know her before saying or doing anything.


Wish me luck. Advice is welcome.

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Good luck. Just try to relax and not overthink things. Try to take things at face value and not read more into them. Smile a lot and ask her questions about herself. Don't act too cocky, but confidence is attractive to girls. Try to talk about her and not about yourself, unless she asks you questions. You'll do fine.

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