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I'm a loser

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How do i get Britney Spears to date me? I like girls but they don't like me back. I'm so unhappy and don't know how to get chics. I need some love in my life!!!! I feel like such a loser

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Britney Spears in unable to work you into her schedule right now, but her agent told me she does not date guys who feel like losers anyway.


You attract people according to the signals you give out. If you put out vibrations that you feel like a loser, that's what you will attract. You cannot find love until you first love yourself.


I suggest you get some books on self-esteem, get a good haircut, makeover, get a chic friend to help you shop for some new, sharp clothes...and start feeling better about yourself.


A loser or someone who feels that way is so very unattractive to a lady. Girls like confidence...they actually like guys who don't need them. They like guys who don't kiss their butts. They go for men who are unpredictable.


Get a life and stop feeling sorry about yourself. Life can be cruel and there you are the only person in the world that can solve this problem for yourself.


The minute you feel very good about yourself and you don't care whether you have a girl in your life or not, you'll have more ladies around you than you'll know what to do with.

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billy the kid

hey muzz I agree with tony, but here is some advice that he forgot, even the wiseones some time forget... now pick something that you are really good at, then work at it even harder... 3 things will happen.1.) you will get really good at something and people will notice.2.)your mind will not be on looking for love.3.) you will feel better about your self and because you won't be looking she will appear...

How do i get Britney Spears to date me? I like girls but they don't like me back. I'm so unhappy and don't know how to get chics. I need some love in my life!!!! I feel like such a loser
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I wish someone had told me when I was in my teens and 20s that one's "worth" has nothing whatsoever to do with how attractive we are to the opposite sex (or, rather, how attractive we perceive ourselves to be to the opposite sex). If this was really true then we'd have no worries at all about the future of social security.


Here's the truth: Your worth can be anything YOU want it to be. What are your principles? What code of honor do you live by? Do you practice what you preach? Are you kind to others? Do you cultivate the art of caring about things other than yourself? Do you live by a set of morals (your own, not others have set for you)? Do you do good things? Do you follow what you love and try to be the best you be at something?


These are the things that define our sense of worth. If you do bad stuff you will feel bad. (If you do nothing you'll also feel bad...) This is the way it's supposed to be...this is NOT something to whine over ("My childhood was bad therefore I can't help it...blah blah..."); this is something to change (sorry, don't agree that the haircut makes the man) about yourself NOW.


Please note that people who win lotteries and beauty contests often confess how miserable they are. The exceptions are the ones who were already happy with themselves before winning anything. Coincidence? Think not!

How do i get Britney Spears to date me? I like girls but they don't like me back. I'm so unhappy and don't know how to get chics. I need some love in my life!!!! I feel like such a loser
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