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Okay, last night my girlfriend of almost 2 years went to the bar with her friend...We were arguing a little bit before becasue we were supposed to go to a movie. Anyway, she kissed this guy at the bar and all she's done today is cry and tell me how sorry she is and how she doesent even wanna go out without me anymore...How should I handle this??? I Love her very very much but im kind of in shock...please tell me what I should do? thanks.

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I would give her some space. For some reason she wanted to make you jealous and did. I would tell her it is not a big deal (of course she should not do it again) but you can over look it.


I really do not think it is a show stopper.

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Ya...honestly to me its not a really big deal...mostly becasue she is so resentful for doing it, I just wanna move on with our lives and not let this hold us up at all

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EXACTLY! Why didn't you ask her why she thinks she kissed him? Perhaps in there lies the real issue where you can make a real decision what to do from here. I say dump her anyway ... I just don't get why people in relationships still go to bars where they know they will be gawked at. So unnecessary.

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