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why flirting around when saying love me

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I am a new members here. I see that members are so helpful. I really need some guidances. My bf and I have been for half a year. I feel a very vivid and romatic love running for us so far. But now I start to doubt his faithfulness when I discover that he goes to yahoo messenger chat room often to flirt. And one of my friend even met him going into a hotel hand in hand at time with a lad whom he told me that he had gathering with old classmates that nite. I am afraid to continue to know more. He is still so loving me and make love darlingly with me when he is near. He says that I am the best and others cant replace me at all! I did ask him about all i suspected. He only admitted that he would kill time sometimes when i was not here, he did not do anything wrong. But he seemed to have deleted all information so I couldn't see any when he opened his id for me last time. What is the situation I am facing? Please give me guidance!

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Restrict him by saying no more messenger and make sure it stays that way. If he doesn't comply something fishy is up and I wouldn't stick long to find out. If he truly Loves you then he will obey and be faithful to your wishes but if he doesn't then you must deal with him the proper way. Hope this helps.

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Apparently I have found that he has really gone less in net when he is with me. Everything seems return as usual. But I dont knwo how is him when he goes to work, especilly his work allows him to use internet. Oh, I be thinking too much?:confused:

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I And one of my friend even met him going into a hotel hand in hand at time with a lad whom he told me that he had gathering with old classmates that nite.

I assume you mean a lady not a lad! How did he explain being hand in hand with a lady at a hotel?

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How did he explain being hand in hand with a lady at a hotel?



He just insisted he did not hold hand with anyone. He just enjoy the gathering. But as you say, there is point for suspicion. A hard time for me:confused:

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It's a painful situation that you're in.

How old are you guys?


Some people just seem like they're programmed to seek out attention from others of the opposite sex, even when they're in a relationship. People say one thing than do another.

Restricting him from doing something might cause a problem, but if he truely loved you than he'd listen to you. He's with you, he doesn't need to be flirting with other girls.


I know what you mean when you say he might be different when he goes to work. Just try to talk to him about it and tell him how you feel.


I hope everything works out for the best. :)

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Thanks all and track end. We are both mature enough in age. But he said his ex-wife left him because she felt him insecure, liked very attractive to ladies and his social life is active with many gathering and staying out at nites.


He keeps saying he is innocent because only enjoy sometimes with old work mates, school mates and colleagues. But he does not me attend since he says all are not carrying their mates.


I dont force it, but I seem to have same feeling as his ex-wife.


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Hmmm... This raises more suspicions than answers. Well it does seem he is taking part in suspicious behavior. Confront him with your suspicions but don't make it seem like you think that's what's happening. Try to have one of those "talk" times in which each of you provides issues that need to be addressed.

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