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Telling a fruitake I ain't into that stuff.


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Ok, today around 12 : 00 I ran into a fruitcake at school.


he keeps on staring at me. I am not into that stuff. I am not a bigot but these guys scare me. So i plan to talk to him tomorrow or at the earliest time i see him.


i plan to tell him : Hi, got a name ? anyway, i dont have a problem with you but i notice you looking at me. I am not into that....funny business. Glad we understand each other. I am not judging but i ain't like that.


see ya.

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Not into what stuff? People looking at you? Maybe he likes you. Maybe he finds you attractive. Maybe you had spinach in your teeth.


"these guys scare [you]" What guys? Is he a gang member? Can you classify "these guys"?



You said 'bigot' which makes me think he is of a different race or religion from you. It's okay to not be comfortable dating outside your race or religion and you don't even need a reason. But does he scare you only because he is of a different race/religion? Why? Have you had a traumatic experience with someone outside of your own race/religion?


Being afraid or not trusting a group of people because of a traumatic experience with someone from that group is normal. There are a lot of women who don't trust men in general because they've been hurt, and others who don't trust people of a certain race/religion, etc. because they've been hurt by someone of that race/religion, etc. That can be overcome and it doesn't necessarily make you a bigot.


Can you elaborate on your post? Maybe some folks here can offer advice or suggestions or relate a similar experience that may help give you some insight or new ideas on handling a situation that you are uncomfortable with.

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i THINK he's referring to some guy he believes is gay b/c he looks at him a lot.


personally, i think you shouldn't say anything to the guy. just don't look at him back.



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He is most decidedly gay.


He makes Jack McFarland (will & grace) look straight as a pole.


he hangs out with all girls. he checks out guys. he makes me nervous. this aint the first time a fag has been interested in me.

the last time i ignored a fag ( a married black man with a wife and kids but still G.A.Y), he tried to touch me and i ran.


i have to confront this one or things wont go well. these guys always complain about rights but just wont leave a straight man alone.


I will confront him.

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i find this pretty amusing. are you going to have "talks" with every gay guy you think looks at you?? what about a girl who you don't like back - is she not allowed to look at you either?


and what do you think he's going "to try"?? rape you at the library? come on now...


if a girl approached me and told me she's not lesbian so i should stop looking at her, i think i'd just tell her she's got her head backwards if she thinks I would even think of looking at somebody like her. i don't like "talks".



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if you ever catch him looking at you next time, just stare back at him with an angry look on your face....you know that looks like this :mad: heh


I think he should know to back off without you having to actually confront him

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Wolverine - would you listen to people when they suggest you get counselling? You are one confused dude and you need a hand.

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seriously, please listen to post above.


baby, you. need. help. please get it.

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Well DUH on me! homosexual never even crossed my mind! When I saw "bigot" I was thinking race or religion.



Why are you so afraid of him? Because you had a bad experience with a homosexual man before? Well, I can understand that placing some doubts and fears - but you need to get some help with that. You can't let what happened with one person shadow your entire view and feelings about all people - that is not healthy.


If this guy has never approached you - ignore him. The other man was apparently older and married and sounds like a pedophile, while this guy is in your age/peer group. Totally different. Not all men (straight or gay) are rapists. Show some self-confidence and be flattered that another human finds you attractive. If he makes you nervous you can tell him "thanks man, but I'm straight" and leave it at that.

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I am at the library now. The dude aint here yet. If he tries anything, i'll tell him i ain't into that stuff. I also know some karate.


thanks, ppl.

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Hokey - read this guy's posts. He is forever saying he's bisexual or that he doesn't mind all sorts of sexual practices, etc etc etc. There's bigtime issues here, IMHO.


I looked at porn, a lot. (lesbian, bisexual, black, strap ons, BDSM, fetish, BBW,

Incest, trans). It was all a novelty to me and i got into it quite a bit. So much it got me doubting myself. What kind of freak was I ?

My parents knew I was going through something. Some people thought i was crazy. Others thought i was gay



He knows people. He loves porn. ALL PORN. He hates religious fundamentalists. He loves women. He loves diversity. He is smart. A gifted cook, skilled fighter and has a lot of creativity.

He is true to himself. He is a pervert. He is a liar. He is insecure around women.

He fears going to prison. He loves MTV. He doesnt clean his room. He gets crushes on girls too often.

He proudly tells of his porn watching habits (Lesbian, bi, trans, black, asian, indian, strap ons, bbw, incest, animals, bdsm, fetish).


This is funny that im shy with women because my past includes streetfighting,

cooking, crossdressing, burning a guy who hassled me and seducing several young

ladies in my bedroom and


have seen sex in many ways (lesbian, interacial, black, asian, bdsm, fetish,

animalss, anal, bisexual, shemales, strap ons, fat sex).


I find it all very exciting. Now, i would never @!#$ a dude or anything of the

sort but it really doesn't bother me or shock me anymore.


My attitude toward sex is different from other guys. I like chicks, but dont

mind watching something else once in a great while. I am not scared of gay guys

nor would i ever **** a guy


"To each his/her own, " is the motto i live by.

Human sexuality fascinates me. I am well read, educated and open-minded yet no

woman has ever loved me though i have loved many girls. I have yet to embrace

anyone. My life is a lonely one and i am beginning to despair.


I am fascinated by sex (Lesbian, anal, bisexual, bondage, bdsm, bbw, strap ons,

fetish, fat girls, asian, black, indian, incest, beastiality) and find them all

to be highly erotic.


I am heterosexual yet for some weird reason i find it hard to hate gays. I dont

hate people and give them the benefit of the doubt.


Is that so wrong ?




'nuff said. I could go on; I'm only about halfway through.

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The Wolverine is Straight. Nasty, perverted, crazy and psychotic, maybe. But he is straight.

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Come on, people.


Hetero man here. Dont judge the porn. dont hate the porn watcher. hate the industry.

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Originally posted by moimeme

Hokey - read this guy's posts. He is forever saying he's bisexual or that he doesn't mind all sorts of sexual practices, etc etc etc. There's bigtime issues here, IMHO.







'nuff said. I could go on; I'm only about halfway through.


I rememberd some of his past posts, but I was trying to address the single post as a stand-alone. Actually - I kinda thought he should just change his handle to "Troll" and be done with it! Thanks for posting the info - I hadn't remembered all of it and it's nice to see it here for everyone to see.


With his problems I don't think he needs to worry too much about school because without some serious help soon he'll be in prison soon enough. Got that Wolverine?

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The Wolverine is Straight. Nasty, perverted, crazy and psychotic, maybe. But he is straight.


Who are you trying to convince? Us or YOU?

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I aint convincing nobody. I like no one. I am forever loathed and hated.


The women i loved rejected me. The m,en I befriended were perverse. I am all alone in the night. There is nothing inside anymore. All I am is waning. All except the pain.

Friendship is all i can have so its what i'll take. You can question my sanity. I like to specify things to facilitate the reader's image of me. Not even a brilliant humn being can question what does not exist.

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Originally posted by Wolverine117

I aint convincing nobody. I like no one. I am forever loathed and hated.


The women i loved rejected me. The m,en I befriended were perverse. I am all alone in the night. There is nothing inside anymore. All I am is waning. All except the pain.

Friendship is all i can have so its what i'll take. You can question my sanity. I like to specify things to facilitate the reader's image of me. Not even a brilliant humn being can question what does not exist.



[insert musical notes here]


I am Rock

I am an Island


(Simon & Garfunkle)


Look up the lyrics.



Wolverine - do you think you are the only person to feel what you feel? Time to grow up man.

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Ahem as i stated in a previous post, you need some serious help dude.


do you have low self-esteem? Are you a very intraverted, anti-social type of person??

If so go out and do new things!! be more open and socialize more....!


please try not to think too much about yourself and your problems...it only confuses yourself more and stresses the mind....just relax dude.....

please consider our advice and seek help

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