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I met my fiance last year february. He`s 15years older with children, but I didn`t care about these things, I felt like I met the love of my life. He proposed me 4months later and now we live together since last June. Were planning to get married in dec. The problem started when he came home in april after 3weeks of business trip. I checked his messages and found a deleted one from his older colleague-who was with him on his trip- that she`s not going to let him to destroy me. He told me that they had a fight, so I thought ok, probably it`s nothing. But since then I`m checking his mails and messages, don`t know why. 2weeks ago I found three messages in his phone from B.K., these were porn pictures and movies. My first thought was that it`s one of his friends, but then a week after found one were the secret person is writing how she`s going to suck him... Called the number, well it was a women. Confronted him with the facts, but he said that it`s his ex colleague and it`s nothing, if I don`t trust him let me call her. Then I wrote to the woman and she wrote back that she knows that he`s not in love with her bla-bla-bla. I collapsed. Then my fiance said that this woman used to be his ****buddy- I knew that he had a ****buddy before he met me- and that they decided to stay friends cos of the job but that she used to worry him with this kind of messages, but that he`s never replying-I never found a sent message. After the woman wrote me that she`s still in love with him and that she hopes that he`s taking good care of me. But after this she sent him few messages what he wrote her during the last 10months, that he`s ready for tonight, that the room is ready and ect... I love him so much and I can feel that he is in love with me too but don`t know what to believe in. I like sex, I`m opened for everything, so don`t know why would he cheat me. I really don`t know what to do. We were planning to get married, but now I`m so confused

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In a nutshell?

He is to sever all contact with this woman, destroy every communication and delete every text/mail/message.

Then he has to tell her to leave him alone, he is getting married, he is happy and he wants nothinbg more to do with her, ever again.

Then, he needs to seriously consider changiung jobs.

If he argues or disagrees with any of the above, I would not marry him.


Actually, I would not marry him anyway.

He is playing around and yanking you by the nose.


I'd drop him like a hot stone.

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