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Long distance help


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My girlfriend goes to school in a different state. We've been going out for a month and only see each other on weekends. We live completely different lives, and have completely different sets of friends. She doesn't even live near me over vacations. I need some tips on how to make things work. So far I don't know if she feels this fading away, but the things I feel for her I've never felt for anyone before. Please help!

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Just the obvious advice really: see each other when you can, get to know each other's friends, 'phone a lot. When I was at University I knew couples in the same position who broke up and others who are still together many years later. What happens to you depends how important the relationship is to you both.

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It must be hard to live far away from the person you love. I would try to make the time together really meaningful so you leave her being happy with you. They say if it is meant to be then it will be. I would tell her how you feel about her and ask her if she feels the same and in your own words and way, of course. If you two are in love sooner or later you will want to be together a lot more often I'm guessing. I think it's important to see exactly what is what in the relationship so then you can make plans accordingly.

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