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Girls just wanna have fun!

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Ok, I'm ddating this guy and our relationship is great except for one thing. I love to go out and party and since he wants to be a cop,he thinks that having fun is wrong.i can understand his jelousy a little, because most of my friends are guys and we're all really close,but I'm completely sick of getting guilt tripped every time I go out! It's not like I'm out smoking crack or prostituting-it's just a bunch of people hanging out and having a good time! Can somebody please tell me why I always pick the guys who want to get married and have kids and all that?I am only 15! I am soooo not ready to settle down,but when I am,I really want it to be with this guy- how can I get him to back off without losing him?

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billy the kid

you can't change him,,,, most or (prob all cops are a**h***s, power frieks, dominering, think they look cool in a uniform, drive around in an car that says I'm the boss,and basicially most just did gitthrough highschooland neverplayed sportsthen again I am from a small town.... any way you said you were only 15?????? I don't know where you live but he has to be at least 18 to be a cop, so that makes it illegal for you to be dating him unless you are a hick and related to him...

Ok, I'm ddating this guy and our relationship is great except for one thing. I love to go out and party and since he wants to be a cop,he thinks that having fun is wrong.i can understand his jelousy a little, because most of my friends are guys and we're all really close,but I'm completely sick of getting guilt tripped every time I go out! It's not like I'm out smoking crack or prostituting-it's just a bunch of people hanging out and having a good time! Can somebody please tell me why I always pick the guys who want to get married and have kids and all that?I am only 15! I am soooo not ready to settle down,but when I am,I really want it to be with this guy- how can I get him to back off without losing him?
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When you stop putting up with the kind of people you attract, you will find it's like magic. You'll start attracting different kinds of guys. Don't complain about the guy you're seeing now, DUMP him. You aren't going to change him and you don't like the way he is.


You are 15 years old. The fact that you don't like all these guys who want to get married and have kids tells me you will go through many guys before you settle down. Take it from one who's been there, there are so so so so so many guys around that will be great for you when you're ready, it's pretty ridiculous to keep one around that you really don't like right now.


If he's around in ten years, fine. My money is that he won't be. Girls just wanna have fun and that's what you should be doing!!!

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When you stop putting up with the kind of people you attract, you will find it's like magic. You'll start attracting different kinds of guys. Don't complain about the guy you're seeing now, DUMP him. You aren't going to change him and you don't like the way he is. You are 15 years old. The fact that you don't like all these guys who want to get married and have kids tells me you will go through many guys before you settle down. Take it from one who's been there, there are so so so so so many guys around that will be great for you when you're ready, it's pretty ridiculous to keep one around that you really don't like right now. If he's around in ten years, fine. My money is that he won't be. Girls just wanna have fun and that's what you should be doing!!!
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First, I'm the mom of a 15 year old. :) She's not allowed to date until she's 16. But I've told her and I'll tell you...DATE AROUND. Aside from school and getting ready for the real world, this is YOUR JOB. Seriously. You are so young and your interests and desires haven't finished forming yet (you have a lot to look forward to!) The only way to start solidifying them is to try different things...er, different men. Now, please do NOT sleep around! Just date. Compare. Be picky and learn what you really, deep down like most in a man (this is the fun part.) You will find that there is a really broad range of men out there and eventually you'll start gravitating toward toward one end of that range. Above all, learn what a man who truly respects you (ALL OF YOU) acts like!! Learn to spot a man who lies, who's violent, who's just a plain stuck up jerk from 20 paces! Remember, it's homework.


If your cop friend doesn't respect your need to socialize at 15 he's not going to respect a lot of other things about you. He's asking that you skip these important years to act more like a "grown up" -- he's stealing a part of you that you can never, ever get back. SO DON'T DO IT. :)

Ok, I'm ddating this guy and our relationship is great except for one thing. I love to go out and party and since he wants to be a cop,he thinks that having fun is wrong.i can understand his jelousy a little, because most of my friends are guys and we're all really close,but I'm completely sick of getting guilt tripped every time I go out! It's not like I'm out smoking crack or prostituting-it's just a bunch of people hanging out and having a good time! Can somebody please tell me why I always pick the guys who want to get married and have kids and all that?I am only 15! I am soooo not ready to settle down,but when I am,I really want it to be with this guy- how can I get him to back off without losing him?
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