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long relationship - pop the question?

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I met this girl almost 8 years ago. We were both 22. I fell for her immedaitley but she didn't want to be serious as she was about to graduate and move away...and she did. So I worked to contue the relationship long distance. But she's very attractive and had lots of options. When she still didn't want to commit I finally gave up. I met someone new about a month later. Still I couldn't quit thinking of her. The next thing you know I'm starting to fall for the new girl as I have less and less hope the other one will ever come around. but then she starts to give me hope and I find my self in a dishonest relationship with them both. after about 3 months I find the courage to cut it off with the new girl, but less then a month later the first girl finds out. the whole thing blew up in my face. I never meant to hurt either which is why I was dishonest in the first place...that and I was a coward. Anyway so I worked like you wouldn't believe to get the first girl back. All this was over a period of about 3 years. I finally got her back and she ended up moving in with me after about 5 years. Then she confessed to cheating on me before she moved in with me and we had arguments over that for the next two years. we've been through so much but i've never stopped caring for her. She's about to turn 30 and really wants to have kids. I love her, but after all we've been through, I'm still not sure its right. But I do think I could spend my life with her and giving up after everything seems so horrible. should I pop the question? I'd like to do it on or before her birthday, but I'm not sure.

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