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caught on the rebound now attached

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I started dating a girl right after I broke off a 3 year relationship that went bad. The girl I started dating also just got out of a relationship. We dated for a month and we both felt we supplied everything we ever wanted that we dreamed for in a relationship. After a month I noticed a change in her. She began to give me the cold shoulder and I asked her what was bothering her. She said she needed time to get over her ex and I felt that this was good for the future. I cut back on calling and I only saw her twice a week in school. School ended and so did all communication. I saw her recently after a month and she seemed like she liked me still so I played it cool and hid my sudden attraction. She invited me to come see her again but now won't return my calls.


^^What should I do? Can I get back with her? == or == is she just playing games?

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A person who won't return phone calls is JUST PLAIN RUDE!!! There is no acceptable reason for being rude. Since the last thing you want in your life at this time is a rude person, DROP HER LIKE A HOT POTATO. Life is just plain too short.


When you stop calling her, she will eventually call you if for nothing else out of curiosity. When she does call, tell her that somewhere on the Internet for all the world to see is a post that says she is one of the rudest ladies alive.


Then tell her you agree with the post and hang up!!! Maybe you just found out why she is no longer with her ex.


Also, may I inform you that giving you the cold shoulder to get over her ex is like me throwing water all over my sister to bathe the cat. That is so lame!!! Not only is she rude but she takes you for a fool as well. Maybe THIS is also why she is not longer with her ex.


And, by the way, her ex is probably a very happy man right now!!!


Please be careful in your future selection of babes. You could have done so much better in rebounding.

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Dear Jem, She was most definately on the rebound with you. The excitement lasted for that month that you dated as she was getting her mind off her ex and proving to him that she could move on. That was NOT NICE of her!


Her change of heart after that month (and the cold shoulder to you) came because, being on the rebound, she never really got over her ex in the first place ... not at all!


When school ended and so did the communication meant that you had served your purpose to her and she no longer wanted anything to do with you. She USED YOU! Open and shut case! This was a very immature thing for her to do to you and she had no regard for your feelings in the matter/relationship.


For all you know, she is back with her ex!


Have no further contact with her as her behavior to you is inexcusable and she really is done with you. She used you for to serve her purposes and has discarded you.


Move on and find a sweet, dear girl who is deserving of your attentions and thoughfulnes. Like the Nike commercials say: Just Do It!


Best of luck as you are deserve so much better than to be used in a rebound game. Keep in touch! D.

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There are a lot more ladies out there like this than you would care to know. Use caution at all times and PAY ATTENTION. If this girl used you, you have the vulnerability to be used. Love may feel good at times but I'm not sure if the hurt we feel is worth the good we feel to pay for it.

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It sounds like she doesn't really know WHAT she wants.


Why waste your time playing games? Move on and find a girl who will treat you the way you deserve.

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